Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Caltech solar eclipse: What happened?

NASA never takes this photo because it's untrue.
It is a horrible truism that while it is easy to convince people of a lie, it is nearly impossible to convince people that they have been lied to. Hitler knew that.*
In 2019 cowboy Silva was photographed
The facts don't add up, but who cares about facts? It's not as if scientists are real scientists who are all about the observable, replicable, objective data. Don't believe your lying eyes, and don't you dare question authorities. You would never question the existence of God back when God mattered (y'know, before he was dead). You wouldn't even dream of it unless you wanted to be tarred, feathered, or completely ignored as "bonkers" and a "crank." Just so, now when Scientism is in the ascendancy and wielding all power and influencer, one had better not question Science or its white (lab coat) clad priesthood. But we did. We could only wish that science would be honest and respond to tough questions with facts, references, reason, and logic, which is a lot more than one could ask of religion.

Evidence: This map shows many paths of totality, each indicating the size of the object casting the shadow, none anywhere near the size reported for the moon. This is Rahu's shadow. And look at the massive size of Antarctica, not a pole but a mass encircling our world's oceans, just as we are told in Buddhist cosmology.

What happened?
We arrived at Caltech about 10:00 am to a long line to get into an astroturf field behind Cahill. Glasses were nearly gone and the only officials were mostly volunteer buffs and students, not old professors who could speak with authority. We put the questions to them and they were hopelessly stumped. They saw the point but imagined that there was some way in which the three heavenly bodies were all moving and tilting and spinning so that somehow it all made sense.

There was no moon (the new moon phase, presumably below the horizon at night) visible the night before. The internet could not seem to place where it was. It was certainly not visible in the sky before 10:00 am. We searched for it. Then, suddenly, there it was in the southeastern sky, moving backwards, coming in under the sun, eating it from the lower right, moving slowly across to the left -- like it never does in real life. That wasn't our moon, Luna/Chandra. That was Rahu.

Equal time for the official narrative:

What about the fact that there was no moon visible in the days leading up to today? No one working at Caltech for this event had any knowledge of that. How about the fact that any shadow (eclipse on a path of totality) racing across the face of the USA could only be moving from east to west because the earth, we are told, is spinning from west to east.

Proof beyond doubt that solar eclipse was not caused by our moon: the shadow is far too small
(Los Angeles hurls toward New York, giving the illusion that the sun is rising in the east, we have all been taught. So anything that got in front of it to cast a big shadow would show up first in the eastern part of the country and then the western. But in both total solar eclipses, 2017 and 2024, the shadow started in the west and moved east. Look up the 2017 event and see it arising in Oregon and "crissing" down to Florida, and now this one was starting in Texas and crossing up to Maine, crisscrossing to make a misshapen X. When Mexico becomes part of Amero, the combining of Canada, the US, and Mexico under a common currency called the Amero, corresponding to the EU's Euro, the X will be a little better). 

Everyone asked about these anomalies was stumped, so certain about what they were looking at, while all admitting that the moon always goes from east to west, always taking a southerly path that tightens and expands but never reverses. When no one could explain that or the fact that a celestial object blocking the sun could only cast a shadow AS WIDE AS ITSELF OR BIGGER. It cannot cast a shadow that is narrower. This is just a fact of light. Take an object, put a flashlight behind it, and pull the light away. No matter how far back the light source is pulled, the shadow will never, can never get narrower than the object itself.

2024 total solar eclipse through the eyes of NASA
(Fox News) Streamed live April 8, 2024. Live views of the total solar eclipse moving across North America, beginning in Mexico (which is in the part of North America that used to be called Mesoamerica) and Texas. #foxnews

We should've brought a rishi on Bufo to see.
So whatever was eclipsing the sun was NOT the moon, could not have been the moon, and was clearly not the moon when looked at through filtered glasses. After the satellite (thing flying in front of the sun) passed, where did it go? A moon is quite visible by day. It is not invisible or transparent. There was no moon in the visible sky before the solar eclipse nor after. So one is left to conclude there was no moon during the solar eclipse. But no one talks about Rahu. No one dares mention it. We haven't been told. That's not part of our lore. It is a part of Buddhist cosmology and ancient Vedic and Hindu lore. Jainism knows about it. Therefore, the East must know. But the West? Rahu who?

After we got tired of asking everyone on the job, sent higher and higher up the chain until brains failed them and no one had any answer, we just enjoyed the show around a well positioned camera with a telescopic lens and filter, letting everyone have a look at the moon spots.

The field was packed with so many Asian students and adults that one might well think that group is the only one really interested in STEM fields and lunisolar phenomena. Do Japan, China, and Korea know about Rahu? They must. They would have heard of it through the holy land of India and the tradition that became the "Light of Asia."

We got a big laugh, much as happened seven years ago on a different part of the Caltech campus, when at maximum, we called hundreds to attention to put on their protective eyewear and look up. "We're at total partiality!" Alas, California would not be getting totality today, with Los Angeles only getting to 51% partiality.

What anyone says about astrology people buy.
The new moon (when it is completely dark) is a good time, astrologically speaking, to begin something new, a change, a manifestation: As the moon waxes (increases in size and brightness), the thing manifested comes into being and grows. The waning phase is the half of the time the celestial body is decreasing. According to "yastrologer" Yasmin Boland, who studies "moonology," this solar eclipse portends many good things for those who are ready.
It may be a time of ascension, going from a 3D to 5D reality. Rejoice. We create our own world (our own reality) with our minds.

If you're part of a church (religious community) that tells you otherwise, hold your breath. We are about to be smote by God and punished for our iniquities. Of course, one would think that this is always happening. But, no, the Lord waits to slaughter us en masse like the great animal sacrifices He commanded in the Bible. And when you exhale, know that it isn't happening. So what does that say about the God, the Bible, and the church saying these things? It is a fact that all doomsday cults grow stronger when their predictions of doom do NOT come true. Why?

For one thing, the leader can say, "We saved the world from doom." And people will believe. Or they can say, "God spared us in His infinite mercy." And people will believe. Or they can say, "Oh, we had it wrong because the real year is such and such. And people will believe. Whatever happens, for good or ill, human minds can spin it to confirm our biases, People tend to be sheeple and believe.

Around here, we believe in peace and the punk slogan, "Fight war, not wars."

Millions experience a total solar eclipse
(CBC News: The National) CBC/Radio-Canada is a Canadian public broadcast service. Started streaming April 8, 2024: Millions of Canadians from Ontario to Newfoundland were awed by the total solar eclipse. Canada commits billions to upgrade its military but still falls short of a key commitment. Plus, a 14-year-old hockey phenomenon gets bumped up to junior hockey. #News #LatestNews #CBCNews

Hitler was right: The bigger the lie, the more people believe it

Trump learned from fellow German.
Ask narcissist Trump and his promises of endless "winning." We are going to win so much if we elect him, which we did as people voted down the monster that is The Hillary, and are you tired of winning? We're not. We wish we could have won more. Where's all that winning we were going to get tired of benefitting from, Trump?

He's a liar. She's a liar. Biden's just as bad (but less annoying about it). And anyone who calls anyone else a liar must be a liar, too, for the one who points the finger has three fingers pointing back.

I'm a super patriot because I wear the flag
So, oops, we better shut up, keep quiet, and not dare say that any king at anytime is naked.

No, no one's lying. Even Hitler wasn't lying. Look at all he did for Germany. And, of course, our mainstream media doesn't lie. They're a bunch of truthtellers and whistleblowers, spreading righteousness and reason throughout the land with no thought of profit or benefit for themselves.

The government should change the name of MSNBC-FOXNEWS to Pravda in one big conglomerate of corporate media. And we for our part can obey whatever they say we should do.

Vaccinate? Check. Big Pharma poisons? Check. War on Iran, Russia, Gaza, China, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan? Check, check, check... Let's all go along to get along.

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