Saturday, April 13, 2024

Ugly Trump truths: poop pants, diapers, bald

We thought we knew bald-on-top Trump, but incontinent, bad breath, dentures, cocaine nose?
Don't look at my corroded face, false teeth, combover, gray roots, bald patch, cake makeup...
Trump's drug abuse and diaper problems
(Grouchy Marx) Noel Casler is a former production assistant on shows like "The Apprentice," "Celebrity Apprentice," "Saturday Night Live," and others working with the Trump family, incestuous kingpin daughter Ivanka Trump in particular.

You smell like shit, Bitch, and you just sat down! - I'm in con, in-con, I wear adult diapers.

I personally know fecal Don Trump firsthand.
Casler witnessed firsthand many of Donald John Trump's disgusting habits behind the scenes and on the set of various TV shows Trump has been on -- regularly crapping his trousers due to the laxative effect of stimulants like cocaine and Adderall, all-junk food diet, horrific breath of arrogance from not brushing and wearing dentures, potty mouth of literal fecal breath, narcissist, rapist, Pedophile Island-visiting child abuser, sexist aggressor, utter hypocrite, Bibi-backing, Bible thumping, sociopathic liar, exaggerating, bragging, self-aggrandizing, wearing lifts, laced up girdle to hold his belly in, coating himself in foundation (tanning makeup called Bronx Concealer #5), suffering psychopathy symptoms, dementia, senility, abuse of others, engaging in chronic incestuous behavior...

Posture? I wear high heel lifts (
gay supporter of gays (according to a grouchy Black activist), manipulated by his daughter Ivanka who uses sex not only for their documented lap dance but inside where she manipulates him and massages his, uh, ego, because Melania his trophy wife won't, pro-abortion Bible-seller, pretending to be a Christian to dupe Christian dupes, who rationalize that the Orange One must be "God's choice" for president to save the country from baby-killers like Genocidal Joe Biden and Over-the-Hillary when Trump has always been pro-abortion and a funder of Democrats who now admits aloud, a dyslexic, angry moron, NLP trickster, dishonest businessman, corrupt and nepotistic politician, litigious attorney-supporter, and loser.

Ivanka ran US, not bald Don
When Trump's mug
Is found on a rug
Atop a dog’s pile
All frown and no smile

Unhappy, unsure
With combover of dyed fur
A mess with an issue
Hot tanned toilet tissue

With makeup all caked up
Bronzed ginger all baked up
Dropping a deuce
In wet pants like a sluice

Little hands in his pants
Doing a Rosie-ringed dance
Lying and buying
Begging for a 2nd chance

The court may hear it
MAGAots may cheer it
But we never will
Not in House or on Hill

The would-be emperor's nude
He's one f'd up dude
He's a fake not a friar
A psycho-pathological liar
(Grouchy Marx – 2023 🥸 edited by WQ 2024)

Trump campaigned on LGBTQ rights. as president he keeps backstabbing them (
A critic of senile old Biden, Trump is suffering obvious signs of early dementia, doctors say.
He smells like shit. I detest him. He gives me a billion reasons to stay, but I'll testify against him.
I wear fake caps to cover foul rotten teeth.
These condensed, edited, and enhanced-with-photo references (with a few humorous bits) are from an incredible full interview on "The Hole Podcast - 285."

Fox News destroys narcissist liar Trump

Trump gets publicly humiliated by Fox News in his worst TV appearance of all time
(MeidasTouch) 6/20/23 Trump's interview on Fox News with interviewer Bret Baier went badly. MeidasTouch contributor "Boston Brian," who is no fan of Trump, reports.

Support the MeidasTouch Network: meidastouch. MeidasTouch Podcast: Website:

For the full podcast, containing much more information, interesting details, and things not pertaining to Trump, watch:
This is my natural tan. I should know, I bought it.
A BIG thanks to Noel Casler and those at The Hole Podcast for exposing Trump and his ilk to the public. Casler has been on the forefront of those who have personally witnessed Trump up close, continues to cover Trump (and politics in general), and encourages others in the know to come forward. He appears on several shows like The Stephanie Miller Show@politicalvoicesnetwork.

I'm a Jew like Jared 'n Ivanka, I back Bibi's Israel
Whistleblower Noel Casler has his own podcast: noelcaslercomedy. To see how Trump keeps his deceived followers mesmerized, click here: • Trump's Hypno-hands
We're not saying Genocide Joe Biden is any better.
Vote for Jewish Green Party candidate Jill Stein.

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