Saturday, April 13, 2024

Israel provokes war with Iran with bombings

They started it. (Israeli PM Bibi Netanyahu)
(Faris Tanyos reporting for CBS News) Iran on Saturday evening launched drones toward Israel [in retaliation for Israel's recent provocations], the Israeli military said. In a statement, Israel Defense Forces [Israel's militant, illegal, genocidal IDF] said that Iran launched unmanned aerial vehicles "from within its territory toward Israel."

"The IDF is on high alert and is constantly monitoring the operational situation," the statement read. "The IDF Aerial Defense Array is on high alert, along with IAF fighter jets and Israeli Navy vessels that are on a defense mission in Israeli airspace. The IDF is monitoring all targets."

Israel provoked Iran, and by daring to react,
the USA/CIA has been pulled in by force.
No further details on the assault were immediately provided. Israeli officials told CBS News it could be many hours before the drones reach Israeli airspace. "Iran has begun an airborne attack against Israel," National Security Council (NSC) spokesperson Adrienne Watson said in a statement.

CIA/Pentagon already in place to use this pretext
Pres. Genocide Joe Biden had returned to the White House on Saturday in preparation for an imminent attack.

"President Biden is being regularly updated on the situation by his national security team and will meet with them this afternoon at the White House," the statement went on.

"His team is in constant communication with Israeli officials as well as other partners and allies. This attack is likely to unfold over a number of hours. President Biden has been clear: our support for Israel's security is ironclad. The United States will stand with the people of Israel and support their defense against these threats from Iran."

Persepolis, Iran, part of Persian Empire
The U.S. is on standby for further action by Iran, and from within the region via its proxies, a U.S. official told CBS News.

The U.S. is positioned to be able to shoot down incoming drones from Iran via assets in Iraq and Syria, three U.S. officials told CBS News.

The U.S. also has fighter jets [that it pre-positioned] that are now on standby.

Iran's firing of drones and missiles comes in defensive retaliation for Israel's internationally criminal April 1 strike on an Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria, a war crime which killed seven members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IGRC).
  • Why does CIA insist on controlling this region?
    ["Defensive retaliation" may sound like an oxymoron, but in Warspeak it has been made internationally acceptable by the United States' (CIA, NSC, NSA, US Department of War Defense, Pentagon, and all the octopus-like branches of the US military) actions against Muslim Afghanistan as a "preemptive" war on and invasion of as revenge for the 9/11 US/Israeli false flag operation in New York City, which Afghanistan had nothing to do with. We needed a pretext for attacking a new country in the region, as we hard already attacked Iraq and could not touch our allies Saudi Arabia (even if the alleged actors in 9/11 were Saudis), given the work of international lawyers at the UN who need an explanation or rationalization for our illegal militant actions on the world stage even if everyone knows they we the US are lying and using these talking points as cover for strategic covert CIA actions that presage the Pentagon's overt activities.]
In a statement, the IRGC acknowledged that attack, saying Iran had "launched a punitive strike against the occupied territories."

"This operation involved the use of both missiles and drones," the IRGC said. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Israeli citizens in a video address on Saturday night, saying:

"In recent years, and even more so in recent weeks, Israel has been preparing for the possibility of a direct attack from Iran. Our defense systems are deployed, we are prepared for any scenario, both in defense and attack.

"Israel" is a series of war crimes by West (UK/US)
"The State of Israel [which is just a name not an actual "state," as it has not ratified an official and binding constitution, which it refuses to do because Jews would immediately be a minority in the territories it is illegally occupying within Mandatory Palestine and Palestine, called "Israel" by invading Zionist Western peoples, claiming a new "settler colonial project" under the auspices of the former invaders, the British Empire, and its hasty Balfour Declaration issued behind the UN's back out of sympathy for "Zionist Jewish" territorial occupation and/or genocide] is strong, the IDF is strong, the public is strong."

[On the upside, CIA-groomed Israeli Dictator and corrupt Prime Minister Benyamin "Bibi" Netanyahu will get to keep his post for as long as the US war on Iran lasts and will thereby avoid being ousted or being criminally convicted in the trial that is currently on hold due to his war cabinet's prosecution of a genocide on all Palestinians in the Israeli occupied territories of Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza, Lebanon (Golan Heights), and Egypt (Sinai).] More

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