Wednesday, May 1, 2024

'Civil War' - feelgood letter to Trump's DC?

Civil War | official final trailer HD | A24

(A24) April 2024: From writer and director Alex Garland and starring Cailee Spaeny, Kirsten Dunst, Wagner Moura, and Stephen McKinley Henderson. CIVIL WAR – is in theaters in the middle of April 2024.

What the H kind of BS is this, Hollywood?
What can be said about this masterpiece? That Kirsten Dunst is not the person for the part, so the part is altered to make her fit? Protagonist and newcomer Cailee Spaeny is thrust into the turmoil of a real-life breakdown of law and order we normally take for granted. The good ol' boys with their AR-15 now run things, to the extent anyone does. There's a force at play, but who knows where it's coming from? Is it the Western Front or the powers that be? How could the government fall, how could it give up, how could the Trump character be so oblivious to what's going on? Maybe the president is an amalgam of Trump's foolish swagger and Biden's dementia and cluelessness. Maybe he is merely portraying an enfeebled white man losing his grip. This is a coming-of-age story yet not in the sexual sense. It's learning the hard lessons of life in a crash course at the School of Hard Knocks. One has to imagine MAGA types will flock to theaters. One also imagines they will be disappointed but not disappointed enough to not still want a shot at another insurrection and second chance to set up a white supremacy social system of us versus them. The them could be whomever does not fall in line with what's familiar.

I had trouble keeping up and fell asleep.
It's very easy to take sides in this film. The only problem is it's not altogether clear what the sides are. We think we know, though it doesn't make sense that that's how the board would be drawn. But that is how it's drawn. So we, as liberal average people of the West Coast know where we stand. The people in the middle try to stand out of the way. And is the East taking a stand? It must be. Who knows how we got here that they are failing. That's why it's a love letter to viewers or at least the right kind of viewers. MAGAots are bound to be unhappy with how things are playing out, even though on the surface this is what they wanted, right? It's hard to say too much but not impossible. So we won't ruin the film with spoilers. However, without them, one might well leave scratching one's head. Where do the filmmakers stand? How did things get this good that it's the beginning of the end? The love letter may be to viewers with a big FU to Joedon Trumpen. (Or is his name Donjo Bidump? It doesn't really matter. They're the same). But who trained all of these combatants? The hicks with AR-15s are one thing. We're asking about the uniformed ones? It's nice to follow Cailee as she grows into her new career and learns so much so quickly even as nearly everything goes away. Message? It seems safe to say that if you made this movie, you would not have made it this way. There were obviously writers brought in to fix and smooth out the story, and they did a good job of that so that it must have passed the test audience complaints, except perhaps for the most obvious one. But then that's the point, isn't it, Garland?
Civil War (2024) breakdown: Ending explained and details missed
(New Rockstars) April 15, 2024: Alex Garland (Ex Machina, Annihilation, Men, Devs) moves onto a new controversial project called Civil War, which imagines a dystopian United States in a civil war against a fascist president played by Nick "Donald Biden" Offerman. Erik Voss analyzes this film scene by scene to explain some of the real-world parallels and influences on this film and the deeper meaning to be taken away from it.

Alex Garland’s Civil War is a new Hollywood movie with a breakdown and analysis by Erik Voss. Thanks to Conflict of Nations for sponsoring this video. Play Conflict of Nations for FREE on PC or Mobile: 💥 Receive an amazing new player pack, only available for the next 30 days. Civil War review, ending explained, and full movie breakdown by New Rockstars’ Erik Voss.

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