Thursday, May 23, 2024

CORN: Last Week Tonight w/ John Oliver

Monsanto Corporation, bought out by Bayer, made glyphosate Frankenfood corn (
Corn: Last Week Tonight w/ John Oliver (HBO)
(LastWeekTonight) May 23, 2024: #21 on Trending. John Oliver discusses the financial and environmental impact of [the Monsanto-made Frankenfood] corn in the U.S. and whether or not he really knows what Pearl Harbor is.
  • Monsanto Corporation made a Frankenfood out of GMO-corn (maize, which began as a grass), a starch factory with poison pesticides built in. These poisons kill insects by perforating their stomachs. Imagine the surprise when it was found that corn did the same thing to the stomachs of human children, animals, and anything else that eats it. Go organic, and skip fried foods and glyphosate.
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