Friday, May 10, 2024

Dr. Phil sides with cops, Jews against UCLA

WARNING: Violent Jews, outside agitators, and/or undercover LAPD apparatchiks attack UCLA student peace in Palestine encampment as campus security stands by and city police are nowhere to be found. The students and their guests were left to fend for themselves against pro-genocide, pro-Israel attackers armed with bear spray (chemical irritants), clubs, metal pipes, and explosives.

I'm here to put Pro-Palestinians in check.
Photogenic Ashkenazi (German European) Jews tell Oprah's Dr. Phil, "Side with us," and he does, embedding with the riot police amassing to destroy UCLA's peaceful demonstration protesting UC's complicity with Israel and the war machine (CIA, Pentagon, Biden administration) funding Israel's genocide in Gaza and throughout Palestine. His one chance to side with progressive students for peace, Dr. Phil goes more regressive to get ratings and play it safe. "Let's highlight the Jewish perspective for a largely Zionist-Christian audience," he must have been thinking.

Dr. Phil: The [One and Only] Truth Behind the UCLA Pro-Palestine Protests
I love you, Dr. Phil. You're always right. Oprah must be so proud. "Cash me outside," right?!
(Dr. Phil Primetime) May 8, 2024: Old and increasingly decrepit Doc Phil McGraw is first and foremost about making money. What better way than sticking his nose into a divisive issue.

That'$ my boy, Pema! - Who, Mr. Phil?
I'm America’s top talk show host, and I need to turn it up in prime time. Just ask my boss, Oprah. I'm on a mission to tackle issues that matter to my ratings: parents’ rights, social media, education, homelessness, the Fentanyl crisis, and much more.

No topic is out of reach of my cameras, no cow is too sacred not to slaughter, and nobody is too lost for me not to tell them how to get found and get right with the Judeo-Christian Lord above all, El Capitalismo.

(NY Post) At the "anti-Israel" (not pro-Palestine) UCLA violence camp

It's time you find your way back, you antisemitic Bruins! What is this, Athens? Pay attention to what happened to the Trojans across town. The police set them straight. And the police are moving in on you unless you obey.

Watch: Violent clashes break out [against] UCLA pro-Palestinian encampment | WSJ News

(WSJ News) May 1, 2024: Groups of counter-protesters clash with peaceful students at a pro-Palestinian tent encampment demonstration and sleep in at UCLA. Peaceful demonstrations have taken place at elite colleges across the U.S. this week leading to multiple arrests by police trying to shut them down and stifle free speech just as in 1960s' Berkeley. Photo: Etienne Laurent/AFP/Getty Images #wsj #ucla #protest

UCLA: Riot police fire deadly (albeit less lethal) rubber projectiles at student demonstrators in an orgy of police violence
(Sky News) May 2, 2024: Hundreds of peaceful demonstrators have been arrested by police after letting violent pro-genocide outsiders attempt to dismantle a pro-Palestinian tent camp at the University of California Los Angeles. #propalestine #skynews #protest

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  • Dr. Phil McGraw (Dr. Phil Primetime), all Jewish panel of explainers for one side (the right side) of the story to get at "the truth behind the UCLA pro-Palestine Protests"), May 8, 2024; Wall Street Journal (WSJ) News, May 1, 2024; Sky News, May 2, 2024; Shauna Schwartz, Ashley Wells, Sheldon S., Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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