Thursday, May 16, 2024

Satanic Temple: Freedom from religion

I'm German. I wanted to rule the world! - Hitler Youth member who became Pope Benedict

This, of course, is not about the Devil, Satan, or being anti-anything. It is about religious freedom and about being able to enjoy freedom FROM religion. We are a secular democracy, not a Christian theocracy as some would have us believe. Evangelicals and other fundamentalists will not stand for anything short of Christian-Sharia Law (their interpretation of their Bible being shoved down everyone else's throat). Let's allow people to hold their own religion -- or not religion at all -- as they deem fit. The idea that one religion, any religion, gets a governmental advantage over others is a grotesque abuse of our American freedoms. When state and religion are not kept separate, expect corruption and the loss of both.

Satanic Temple fighting for representation in schools
(NBC News) May 16, 2024: The Satanic Temple is known for trolling the religious right, but in its fight for religious pluralism, it has become a powerful foe.

NBC News' Maura Barrett reports on the group's fight to protect the separation of church and state. » Subscribe to NBC News: nbcnews #Satanic #Religion #School

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