Wednesday, May 29, 2024

How far is Russia from US? 2 miles by foot

An Inglorious Columbus
One has to wonder why no one notices how close our friends the Russians are to us, unless WE are the Nazis, continuing enemy Germany's legacy of racism and thirst for world conquest.

The Russians (USSR) are said to be the ones who won the war against Nazi Germany, not the U.S.A. and not the other Allied powers (UK, US, China).

Yet, most Americans (via the corporate mainstream media) would have us believe Russia is our sworn enemy.

13 Colonies of Fusang
Dictator Putin bad, any belligerent U.S. president (like puppet G.W. Bush or secret hand Dick Cheney) good, we're told. We're neighbors and there has never been an attack from Siberia to Alaska.

In fact, most scientists believe the Bering Straits was a land bridge connecting North Asia (Russia's Far East) with the "New World," where the original Native Americans came to the Americas. That is what we are told the DNA and linguistic evidence shows.

Unbelievable! Wall separates the earth in Yakutia?
The Buddha was a Saka or Shakya in Central Asia,
and Yakutia is now called the Sakha Republic in
Russia's Far East, which is next to Alaska, USA.

Map of the Bering Strait between USA and former USSR, now Russia (wiki)

American Rick Fields
We doubt it because humans have been in the Americas for tens of thousands of year and did not arrive just once but many times over.

Science will change its mind and give up its false assumptions, like the belief or dogma that there was no sea travel here when there was a great deal of it from Australian aborigines to Polynesians, to ancient Egyptians, Tibetans, and Chinese and Afghan Buddhist missionaries.

The Pacific Northwest of the U.S. as well as the west coast California and Mexico were to the ancient Chinese the mythical land of Fusang.

  • Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval (text) Wisdom Quarterly

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