Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Invest in Elon Musk-free solar car: Aptera

Is this EV really a car? It only has three wheels and runs on solar power. It's a spaceship.
This Aptera EV is not yet a flying car but, like Icarus, it goes for the sun in a big way.
I may be losing money, but the government will give me more to replace whatever I lose.
Tesla EV electricity comes from burning fuels.
Yes, but does it fly? Electric vehicles (EVs) are growing. Bloomberg projects that electric vehicle sales will increase in one decade from 1.7 million vehicles in 2020 to 54 million by 2040. Aptera is looking to earn a significant portion of that growth.

Coal power is dirty. Mineral mining adds to dirty
Aptera was created from the ground up with one purpose in mind — energy efficiency. Its unique shape allows Aptera to slip through the air using 30% less energy than other electric and hybrid vehicles on the road today. That efficiency allows Aptera to have a much longer range than competitive electric vehicles, with a range up to 1,000 miles. Aptera (

I got rich by working for the US gov't.
The real Tesla was ET smart.
  • Aptera; Sheldon S., CC Liu, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly

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