Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Norway, Ireland, Spain: STATE of Palestine

Joe, stop them, condemn them, sanction and punish them before they ruin our plans!

Yoohoo, Netanyahu! Shoot US missiles this way.
Norway, Ireland, and Spain said they are recognizing a Palestinian state in a historic move that drew condemnation [outrage, anger, hurt, fury] and plans for exacting revenge] from [and by genocidal] Israel and jubilation from the Palestinians [who are currently being tortured and exterminated].

(THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, May 22, 2024) Spain, Ireland, and Norway said Wednesday (May 22) that they would recognize a Palestinian state on May 28, 2024, a step toward a long-held Palestinian aspiration to be recognized as an official state.

This has come amid international outrage over Israel's war crimes, atrocities, and crimes against humanity in indiscriminately killing civilian and alleged combatants in waves of collective punishment.

The death toll and humanitarian crisis Israel is causing by its offensive in the Gaza Strip is inexcusable in spite of Israel’s propaganda and psyops campaign amid sits offensive attacks and escalations.
Say NO to Genocide Joe (Shoresh/IG)
The almost simultaneous decisions by two European Union countries and Norway may generate momentum for the recognition of a Palestinian state by other EU countries and could spur further steps at the United Nations, deepening warmongering colonial Israel’s isolation.

Currently, seven member of the 27-nation European Union officially recognize a Palestinian state. Five of them are former east bloc countries who announced recognition in 1988, as did Cyprus, before joining the bloc.

Sweden announced recognition in 2014. The Czech Republic, an EU member, says that the 1988 recognition by the former Czechoslovakia — of which it then formed a part — does not apply to the modern state.

Slovakia’s Foreign Ministry says that the two sides confirmed their recognition as Slovakia was becoming independent in 1992-93, and that the Palestinian state has a fully-functioning embassy in Bratislava since 2006. More

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