Saturday, May 18, 2024

Exposed: Israel's Secret West Bank War

EXPOSED: Israel’s Secret War
(Double Down News) May 17, 2024: While all eyes are on Gaza, Israel is arming, promoting, and protecting illegal Jewish settlers in the West Bank to commit genocide as the state is doing in Gaza. This is a war against all Palestinians, not merely an ethnic cleansing of Gaza. This is not a misunderstand or a rogue element on the prowl stealing property by driving Palestinians out of their homeland. These are crimes against humanity aided and abetted by the Israeli military, the Knesset, the IDF, the court system, PM Netanyahu, and of course the Mossad. All of Israel is involved, except for the few Jewish Israelis who are vocal anti-Zionists, like the Ultra-Orthodox Jews of Jerusalem (Mea Shearim) such as Neturei Karta (

Peter Oborne is a columnist for Middle East Eye. His new book, Fate of Abraham, is available now ► Join the Future of Journalism ► doubledownnews. Support DDN ►
  • Double Down News, May 17, 2024; Forgotten History, 6/5/23; Pfc. Sandoval, Shauna Schwartz, Sheldon S., Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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