Sunday, May 19, 2024

(Ashkenazi) Israel is for whites only

By white (Ashkenazi) is meant male landholders of European descent and others who earn it?
Is Zionism a white supremacist settler colonial project?
شرش | Shoresh | שר”ש (@shoresh_us) • Anti-Zionist Israelis and Jews
People mad at us must be antisemites. What else
could explain why they're resisting our project?
(TRT World) Fascism is a terrible hypocrisy for former victims of it who still paint themselves daily as the ultimate victims. How will one group of white supremacist Jews impose themselves on a brown population and displace them right off their land? They may need some nonwhite help. “We need people who are born workers. Their standard of living and their needs are lower.” Zionism is built upon the idea of a Jewish homeland — but in that Jewish homeland, not all Jews are equal. [Who is supreme among them? The white Europeans claiming Jewish ancestry and saying they own all of this land by divine decree, an idea they've successfully sold to fundamentalist and evangelical Christian Zionists.]
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