Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Israel steps up war crimes and genocide

Sorry to interrupt your feast, Bibi, but what about the Palestinians? - Let them eat shrapnel.
Vote Trump. See if I care. I have the CIA's help.
Genocide: Israeli tanks advanced farther into Rafah on Tuesday, according to witnesses, as the Israeli military (IDF) said it was expanding operations in the southern Gaza city amid growing international condemnation.

Its tanks passed near the Al-Awda mosque, a central Rafah landmark, Palestinians in the city told The Wall Street Journal

 The Israeli military didn’t comment on the specifics of its violent push into Rafah, but Israel’s Army Radio said the military had added a brigade to the five operating in the city and troops were engaging in close-quarters combat with Palestinians it claims are part of "Hamas."
  • Jewish war crimes: Far-right illegal Jewish Israeli 'settlers' (occupiers) step up attacks on aid trucks bound for Gaza
  • TARQUMIYAH, West Bank — Radical rightwing illegal Zionist Jewish Israeli "settlers" (occupiers) expanded their attacks on humanitarian aid trucks passing through the West Bank this month, blocking food from reaching the starving millions in Gaza as humanitarian groups warn that the enclave is sinking deeper into famine and disease. Groups of Naziesque "Netanyahu Youth" vandals are following relief convoys, setting up illegal checkpoints, and interrogating innocent drivers. In some cases, far-right attackers have ransacked and burned trucks and beaten Palestinian drivers, leaving at least two hospitalized while Israel's military looks on and blesses their activities.
Israel is trying to thread a needle by claiming that it's pursuing a fight with Hamas in Rafah without further damaging its relationship with the U.S. military, its closest ally, or derailing fragile relations with the Arab world [that it hopes to one day take over and rule as an arm of Europe under Ashkenazi Jewish rule].

An airstrike on Sunday in Rafah that Palestinian officials said killed dozens of civilians has demonstrated the inherent challenge that Israel faces. More

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