Monday, May 6, 2024

Super computer predicts human extinction

Steve Quayle says God told him so.
Run! Wait, HOW? WHERE are we going to run to? We don't have spaceships (vimanas) to jettison ourselves off this world and go somewhere else.

Except maybe. "Science" claims to have just found a new planet that's better than Earth, more habitable, bigger, nicer, more water. So take that, Earth. We don't need your stinking dirt and life sustaining H20 after all.

But if we did all have our very own Jetsons' space-cars, WHY should we run? Here's WHYA supercomputer simulation just predicted when humans will go extinct. Wait a minute, WHEN? WHEN does the all-knowing Supercomputer say we will go extinct, and does that mean only Earthlings or does that include all the humanoids in our solar system and beyond? (Yes, they're out there, but that's a different subject altogether).

A supercomputer simulation just predicted when humans will go extinct

One day, the world will end, or so they say. When that happens, the Sun will essentially explode outward, destroying many of the planets around it as it "dies" to us and reaches another cycle of its life in another form.

But, before that happens, scientists say we can likely expect humanity's end to arrive. Climate change is, of course, an ongoing concern that many scientists and capitalists are trying to solve.
  • [Hey, why don't we start a pollution credit market and let the magic of the marketplace solve it for us? Let's give corporations the right to pollute, and they'll sell those right-to-pollute credits until they become so expensive, they won't sell them, and all pollution will end as they go out of business? No, of course not. They'll just pollute with impunity and throw money at the problem. Our lungs could filter their bad air for them, and we won't get any pay off for our shortened lives.]
What we send up must come down to splat on us.
And they've come up with some really cool and impressive ideas -- including sending bubbles into space to help block solar radiation [or toxic heavy metal chemtrails into the atmosphere to rain down on us and block light in the meantime].

However, no solution has actually been put into play just yet [except for the chemtrails, massive forest fires, and volcano eruptions]. As a result, climate change continues to progress onward, threatening the melting of the ice caps, which would send hundreds of thousands of miles of shoreline under the ocean.

And according to a new simulation, humanity's end could come in as little as 250 million years if climate change continues the way it has. [Wow, think about it, we only have a quarter billion years as a species then it's lights out. Oh, great God of the sky, save us miserable slaves from thine wrath and those darn capitalists and their paid scientists who pollute our world!]

A study was published in Nature Geoscience detailing these findings, and it offers a unique insight into the future that could await humanity and hundreds of other species of mammals.
  • Joshua Hawkins, BGR via, 5/5/24; Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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