Friday, May 17, 2024

Crack addict who found Jesus backs Trump

Jesus, are you cool with M smoking crack? - No.
Trump is much easier to understand when we understand that he was for decades, according to close associate Noel Casler, a cocaine addict.

Trump did not clean himself up. He switched over to snorting a legal, widely-abused, pharmaceutical stimulant known as Adderall. He is addicted and can't stop.

That is part of the reason Trump is incontinent, wears adult diapers, farts and defecates in his pants in court, and has the oddest posture of any land animal since the short-armed Tyrannosaurus rex stood at a podium taking questions. (Look at him from a side view or attempting to drink water from a plastic bottle).

I'm God's gift to Americans and the world.
Trump is hardly human, more Draconian. But what's arguably worse (and dementia victim Genocide Joe Biden, even with all his body-doubles, has his own set of insurmountable problems, to be sure) are the poor MAGAots. What other choice do they have?

The false teeth on all of the Trumps, except apparently good Barron who is being protected by his fierce Yugoslavian mother-bear, Melanija Knavs-Trump, bespeak their false tongues.

The moment the fart and feces are released?
Who among them is more amusing than the man who by his own admission was or is a crack addict who found Jesus, Mike "My Pillow" Lindell? Here he is going off.

Jimmy Kimmel had Mr. Lindell on his show and now hires an actor who can hardly even measure up to the ridiculousness of the real guy. Is this what stimulant addiction does to everyone?

I debated the Pillow Guy who almost cried
(Adam Mockler) May 3, 2024: Interviewer Adam Mockler with MeidasTouch debates MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, aka the "Trump Pillow Guy." Their debate gets incredibly heated.,, Adam Mockler: amock
  • Vote third party like Dr. Jill Stein (Green) or RFK Jr. (Independent) or watch more entertaining videos that have nothing to do with boring politics, like the one above
And now for something completely different
Jerry Garcia, not tripping on acid, saw a naked Black man run from bushes
into traffic to be hit by car, fly over it, and survive - all caught on camera

Naked man runs through traffic, gets hit by car in South LA
(FOX 11 Los Angeles) May 17, 2024: A naked man going through a mental health crisis ran through traffic in South LA. Subscribe to FOX 11 on YouTube: @foxla. A message to our children? "Don't smoke drugs, Kids."
  • MxR Plays, April 2024; Adam Mockler, 5/3/24; Fox 11 LA; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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