Friday, May 31, 2024

Trump didn't break a single law (except these)

Bad lip job? Trump attorney Alina Habba in a bikini (
Here seen with clothes and gaping mouth, legal spokesperson Alina Habba in shock" smell?
You'll always stand by my side, right, my love Melania? Right? Tell them you will!! - No.

Why does Donald Trump gloat? It's because he's the G.L.O.A.T., "greatest liar of all time."

'You're lying': George Conway clashes with Republican commentator over Trump's guilt and conviction
(CNN) May 31, 2024: Lawyer George Conway and CNN Senior Political Commentator Scott Jennings joined “CNN This Morning” to discuss Donald Trump’s 34 guilty felony verdicts in his criminal financial fraud and hush money case. #CNN #News

Trump prosecution shows System has gone off the rails
(The Jimmy Dore Show) June 1, 2024: Trump, despite the criticisms and smears from his opponents, was never much of a threat to the Establishment, except possibly a mild irritant to the U.S. War Machine. Yet, they have thrown every sling and arrow they could muster at Trump to stop him from returning to the White House. Jimmy Dore and Kurt Metzger discuss just how pro-establishment Trump really is. #TheJimmyDoreShow

"Where's Melania?" Or your former girlfriend/victim, daughter Ivanka?

Ex-Trump official has theory on why wife Melania hasn't appeared at fraud trial
(CNN) Former Trump White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham discusses former first lady Melania Trump's absence from her infamous husband's criminal financial fraud, sex, and hush money trial.  #CNN #News
US sends in the econ hit men
(WQ) What is Trump really? He's a "true liar," as Dave Chappelle famously observed. What does that mean? Trump lies all the time, but he also tells the truth, the inconvenient truth the Establishment wish he wouldn't. Why is that a problem? They (the Establishment) won't get you for lying. They won't even come after you for lying. But you tell the truth, an inconvenient truth, and they will not stand for that. They did not assassinate JFK for lying but because they feared he would tell the truth, pull us out of our endless wars (Vietnam, Cambodia, Cuba, Laos, etc.)

Then send the hyenas with guns
They will not stand for that kind of thing, and that's why the system sent in Monarch Butterfly Marilyn Monroe to honeypot him, get him to talk (which they were recording), and to compromise himself, revealing top secret things and hinting about what he was planning to do. The CIA, FBI, NSC, NSA, and other alphabet secret police agencies gather the evidence, and the powers-that-be decide who needs to be taken out.

He's not a great lothario; Marilyn M. was a plant
This country of ours installs horrible dictators all over the world, but the only ones it deposes (by execution or destabilizing their nations) are those who try to help their people while going back on the deals they have secretly made with our government. It happens over and over again. This form of diplomacy seems to be the British way of ruling the world. Read all about it in John Perkins' Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.

(Save US Democracy) The Lincoln Project lays into Trump to expose him as worse than Joe Biden
Stick with me, Baby, and next I'll drive us down a Dallas street in a convertible.

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