Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Unearthing alien (ET) artifacts in Mexico

Who in the world could believe in actual
giants o other than these historical ones?
Are space aliens real? Yes. Have they visited earth? yes. Have they interacted with humans? Yes. How can we know for sure? Never-before-seen footage shows artifacts discovered and excavated in Mexico.

These extraordinary objects show that such beings are real, have been here, and have a history of human interaction. The pyramids, for example, are their creations, not ours.

Mexico is full of wonders like cenotes.
Because this evidence is unbelievable, the team excavating it has filmed each shovel of dirt emptied, each root cut, and each artifact unearthed in real-time from the excavation site, with some digs reaching down 8-feet.

This is mindboggling footage of the height, depth, and width of filming, showing every detail and action. This is full transparency, no smoke or mirrors, no trick photography, just raw footage from both of GenSix’s expeditions in Mexico.

But giants aren't real, are they? Andre, Cali trees...

Exposing the truth
Aggregation news site (
Viewed on screen is the unpretentious exploration and discovery of ancient artifacts that display the Mesoamerican people’s interaction with extraterrestrials from empires that flourished hundreds of years ago, thousands of years ago, and from pre-Adamic times.

Stephen Quayle organizes events
Depicted on camera are ancient artifacts showing hybrid and/or interdimensional beings, "fallen angels," who are masquerading as space aliens and ancient Egyptian gods.

It's a matter of seed
Steve Quayle is an extreme Christian, a man who imagines his God is directing him to expose biblical truths. These alien artifacts are not artifacts of ETs as we imagine.

To Quayle and his colleagues what this material suggests is that the world is being "reinfested with fallen angels" (beings from space). His biblical reference is Genesis 6, which speaks of an encounter when such beings return at the end of an age.

Finding double helixes (the characteristic design of DNA) on several artifacts indicates the genetic manipulation of ancient peoples by these fallen angels or Nephilim. This will be revisited on modern humans in this era.

Marker for the end of the age

This production reveals ancient evidence to help viewers prepare for the end of the age. Humankind is being set up for a "Great Deception" that will tell humanity that space aliens, fallen angels, were our creators.

These artifacts expose the interaction ancient Egyptians (in the American Southwest and Egypt) and Mexicans (Toltecs, Aztecs, and Mayans) that point to the genetic corruption of ancient humankind. What took place in the past suggests the resumption of that corruption on unsuspecting modern humans.

Yucatan, Mexico pyramid temple, Tulum (TA)
“Why are our findings in Mesoamerica relevant?” Quayle asks. “It's critical to understand the genetic manipulation that occurred in ancient times, which is also occurring now in our modern times.

“In our ‘shovel by shovel’ excavations, we expose the truth about Fallen Angel corruption on an unsuspecting humanity.” This is an explosive 4-hour exposé.

The entire DVD package contains 7 hours of footage and interviews: The Mexico Xpeditions - Alien Artifacts Unearthed (DVD $89.95).

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