Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Violent Jews at UCLA or hired agitators?

Get back to campus! We got our agents in there, started some fights, and we're shutting it down!

Witness recalls UCLA chaos, as pro-Israel thugs lobbed bombs and bear spray at UCLA students camped out in peaceful demonstration: An agent provocateur pretext for LAPD to crackdown?
Criminal Dictator Netanyahu must be removed.
(FOX 11 Los Angeles) May 1, 2024: A Black witness, Felicia, from the community saw the violent attacks on students erupt at UCLA overnight. She shares her experience with Good Day LA's Gigi Graciette and FOX 11 LA (a local station that is not Fox News). Subscribe to FOX 11 on YouTube: @foxla
  • Agent provocateur: When the LAPD or other police agency sends in false flag agents and operative (plain clothes policeman, turncoats trying to avoid charges, or spies) to do something that they can then blame on peaceful protesters to justify a violent crackdown on peaceful demonstrators. It is an old trick often used in the 1960s' anti-war movement opposing the US War on Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos.
This isn't about race/culture but greed and war.
One could imagine wealthy Jews for Israel giving the police what they need, an excuse to shut down the pro-Palestine demonstration at UCLA, so close to massive Jewish enclaves in Los Angeles. This is humiliating for them to have Jews against Zionism, against genocide, against Israel. It cannot be allowed to stand with all of this media attention.

After all, this is foremost a war of propaganda so that Israel can commit mass murder and genocide in Gaza.

All we're saying is, Give war a chance!
It is also possible that donors and movers-and-shakers urged the LAPD and nearby FBI (whose offices are a few blocks away on Wilshire Blvd.) "to do something." And this is the old trick LAPD's spying arm came up with: Send in hired agent provocateurs to create a pretext (a justification) to shut it down. Students will blame other students and community members, and no one will notice that the police are behind it.

The exact same thing happened repeated during the Occupy Movement to subvert and sabotage peaceful protests, when someone noticed the police-protestors made the mistake of wearing the same police shoes they wear on duty. These agent provocateurs do not need to be on-duty policeman, though they often are. They wear masks, they're buff, and not hippies or hipsters or students at all. They often have short hair and are violent neo-Nazi types. Their job is to stir up mayhem.

I have illegal ways to control you, so you WILL
respect my authority. By law we cops can riot.
: One of the most popular tactics and services they perform for police is to infiltrate the open-access demonstration and throw a water bottle, sometimes an empty one, at police, who then use this as a pretext, an excuse, to declare the whole thing an "unlawful assembly," making everyone in the area immediately subject to violent arrest. This might sound fair to people on the outside looking in until they find out that while the demonstrators are given orders to disperse, they are kettled in and blocked from doing so exactly so they can be identified, arrested, tagged, monitored, filmed, and prosecuted for any fictitious or real felony the police can dream up. A person will be in court for years trying to clear their name, while the police sit around, laugh, and collect payment for an illegal job well done.

[Staged] chaos at UCLA after fights break out during anti-Israel protests

(New York Post) May 1, 2024: Wild video shows the moment pro-genocide counter-protests on campus spiraled out of control overnight on April 30, 2024. Fights against students broke out and deadly firecracker bombs were thrown at the students' makeshift tent encampments.

It's just like the 1960s. We will not fund Israel!
The commotion broke out at UCLA in Westwood (West Los Angeles) after several outside agitators attempted to break down barricades protecting the students and their encampment on campus.

Explosives were then thrown toward a barrier set up by campus police, sending multiple people peaceful demonstrators for cover.

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass condemned all of the protesters (not just the violent pro-Israel counter-protestors) before announcing she was sending in the paramilitary LAPD, who were being called in to smash the demonstration in the name of "quelling the chaos."
ABOUT: The New York Post is a source for sensationalism, spectacle, breaking news, news about New York, sports, business, entertainment, opinion, real estate, culture, fashion, and more. #ucla #protests #israel #gaza #palestine
  • Pfc. Sandoval, Shauna Schwartz, Sheldon S., Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly COMMENTARY; FOX 11 Los Angeles, May 1, 2024; The New York Post, May 1, 2024

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