Sunday, June 9, 2024

Alan Watts: Zen meditation, Why Not Now?

Sunday morning is the time for Alan Watts. He is featured on Something's Happening with Roy of Hollywood on KPFK 90.7 FM every week at 8:00 am for 30 minutes. Listen now through the online archives ( for 60 days. Today (June 9, 2024, at 8:00 am) Watts teaches the basics of Buddhist meditation.

Alan Watts | Zen & Meditation | Why Not Now
(Official Alan Watts Org) "Why Not Now" is a discussion from Alan Watts' Zen & Meditation collection. In it, he discusses how we need silence -- not mere absence of external sound but of the internal compulsive chattering of words and calculations inside our heads. Only by such silence can we get into firm touch with the real world which our languages, signs, symbols, and mathematics represent (somewhat crudely) but are not. Such silencing of head-chatter is known in the orient as yoga, dhyana (jhana, absorption), zen (chan, seon), or the art of meditation, in which we discover by direct experience who or what we really are -- by feeling rather than verbal definition. The reason is simply that too much chattering, not only in the head, but also in listening to radio, reading newspapers, watching TV, and interminable discussion of our various political, social, legal, philosophical, and psychological hangups has put us far out of touch with the real world, which isn't words. #alanwatts #alanwattsspeech #nonduality
Who is Alan Watts? | “Perhaps the foremost interpreter of Eastern disciplines for the contemporary West, Alan Watts had the rare gift of ‘writing beautifully the un-writable.’ Watts begins with scholarship and intellect and proceeds with art and eloquence to the frontiers of the spirit. A fascinating entry into the deepest ways of knowing.”  — Los Angeles Times

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