Friday, June 14, 2024

B-day: Trump turns 78. Here are his parents

Anyone who says Trump isn't hideous under caked makeup and hairspray hasn't seen parents
I'm not ugly...for an Oompa Loompa with a flat top in makeup, hair dye, and hairspray.

I'm not fat...for a heifer after my hour-long makeup and hair coverup routine. Ozempic time?

Trump turns 78-years-old, parasites kiss his ass in D.C., ruining a finals game for a Celtics' fan
Turkey neck but no time for deep pore facial?
(Jimmy Kimmel Live) June 14, 2024: Tonight was Game #4 of the NBA Finals between the Celtics and Mavericks, Pres. Biden (or a body-double) was in Italy for the G7 Summit, where he spent time with Pope Francis, today was a bigly day in MAGAots as Old Trump celebrated his 78th birthday, Trump was on Capitol Hill yesterday, where he got a fawning reception from some ass-kissing Republican parasites in honor of his birthday, so in celebration here are JKL's Top 78 Trump nicknames of all time, son Eric Trump tries to prove his love for Daddy, and a Celtics sports fan in the 4th quarter of a finals game at TD Garden having every ounce of his patience tested. #Kimmel

Trump visits Republicans in D.C., sells fake and cheap Bibles, and Mitch McConnell has no spine
(Jimmy Kimmel Live) June 13, 2024: Tonight was Game #3 of the Stanley Cup Finals between the Florida Panthers and Edmonton Oilers and fans are going crazy, at some point between now and September we will witness a once-in-a-lifetime celestial event known as a “Nova,” Trump was in Washington visiting with House Republicans on Capitol Hill, Mitch McConnell proves that he is as spineless as ever, the Trump campaign is preparing for the possibility of him not being present at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Kevin McCarthy is out telling stories about Joe Biden, Donald is selling bibles that are fake and cheap, Logan Paul interviewed him for a podcast, and Knicks center Isaiah Hartenstein has a lucrative commercial endorsement deal for a local business right here in Los Angeles. #Kimmel

It's my birthday, just one more romp! - No way,
Dad. You stink. Jared and I have our own money
Incontinent, decrepit, bum-bling Lord Trump, God's gift to the USofA, turns 78 today. Is he too fried to look at? Let's just say, No one wants to see what makeup can't hide.

This bull in adult diapers is nearly 82, assuming he reaches the end of a second term, which would make him the oldest and most feebleminded person ever to represent the nation from the Oval Office, unless Atrocity Biden somehow survives.

Body-double looks pensive: Does anyone notice?
Genocide Joe looks his age, like his embalmer is sleeping on the job, with his various body-doubles looking no better.

Both candidates support Zionist Israel and never met a war they were not willing to fund if the powers-that-be say US-support has already been decided.

Old Man Joe vs. Old Man Don
But 78 is an achievement for a wealthy and entitled white male to reach in this country, after years of cocaine and sexual abuse and all the snorting of Adderall he's been doing ever since, according to close Trump family associate Joel Casler.

This leads to the suggestion that there's something about Gingers, like former royal Harry Windsor-Markle, husband of former American Princess Meghan.

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