Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Mocking bonehead pres candidates (video)

Trump is still mad at Hillary and shopping cart TikTok elicits outrage
(The Daily Show) June 5, 2024: Ronny Chieng shares the latest news on Trump’s felony conviction, which has him seeking revenge on Hillary Clinton. Plus, Marjorie Taylor Greene (MTG) hates New York, a viral TikTok elicits discourse around shopping cart safety, and Troy Iwata provides updates on an Amazonian tribe ruined by Elon Musk’s Starlink internet. #DailyShow #Trump #ElonMusk

Trump's massive flip-flop on mail-in-voting and right wingers spew poison for Pride
(Jimmy Kimmel Live) The Boeing Starliner Spacecraft launched today after many delays with a pair of NASA astronauts onboard, Joe Biden touched down in Paris to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day, Trump has made a dramatic switch in his feeling about mail-in-ballots, he appears to be benefiting from some of the conflicted judges he complained about so much in New York, there is a very big gambling scandal in the MLB that is resulting in some major punishment, we reveal the least popular Pride floats of 2024, straight people are using the month as a time to do weird, angry things to get attention, a crazy young woman named Valentina Gomez is running for Secretary of State on quite an unusual platform, and right-wingers are pretending to be outraged by an animal documentary called “Queer Planet.” #Kimmel

MAGA faithful protest Trump verdict with upside-down flags and Lauren Boebert confronted during debate
(Jimmy Kimmel Live) June 4, 2024: Vice Pres. Kamala "Word Salad" Harris visits the show, Genocide Joe got a shoutout from Trump that was actually nice, turning the flag upside down has become a symbol of solidarity with Trump and he has already found a way to make money off of it, the son of Representative John Rose of Tennessee made quite an impression during his dad’s speech on the House floor, North Korea has been sending South Korea bags full of garbage, we got to meet the lively cast of characters challenging Lauren Boebert in Colorado, and since Americans don’t know very much, we went out onto Hollywood Bl. to administer the first ever VP S.A.T.

Jewish comedian Larry David (Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm)

Alien confused after being taken to Earth's Warlord Biden
(The Babylon Bee) The space aliens of planet Argonian V sent an emissary to contact earth, and he immediately said, "Take me to your leader." But even his advanced intelligence could not figure out what senile Genocide Joe was trying to say. Sad. Not good!
  • Jimmy Kimmel Live, June 5, 2024; The Babylon Bee, Feb. 24, 2023; Seth Meyers; Ronny Chieng, The Daily Show; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly

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