Friday, June 7, 2024

Musk brings internet porn to Amazon tribe

Our natural beauty has lost. Now we have to compete with a new standard brought from outside.

The shaman warned us this would happen, foretold from a dream of a handheld device.
In the dense Amazon rainforest (Valley of Javari, Brazil), the remote Marubo tribe has preserved its unique culture and language for millennia.
The First Nations had a paradise in U.S.
However, advanced technology brings danger, as Elon Musk's Starlink satellite internet service [which floats satellites aloft on balloons in low earth atmosphere not weightless in space as we are led to believe], has recently breached the tribe's blissful isolation.

This connection to the outside world brings both challenges and opportunities for the tribe [on the one hand they may all die of modern sedentary diseases and for-profit allopathic "treatments," never cures, but on the other hand, they won't miss the latest episode of Game of Thrones and its fan-fiction porn offshoots].

I cut my own hair because I'm a teen now.
The Marubos, a 2,000-member tribe, connected with the world through the internet for the first time last September when Starlink launched its services in Brazil.

Billionaire Elon Musk's Starlink aims to provide internet to remote locations using low-Earth orbit satellites.

"When it arrived, everyone was happy," said 73-year-old Tsainama Marubo to The New York Times.

X needs full spectrum dominance for CIA
The internet has brought clear benefits [um, we can check stock prices, the weather, get futbol scores, and, um, check commodity exports on Amazonian goods to see if they'll be burning our block down anytime soon to make room for more cow pasture], including video chats with faraway loved ones and emergency calls for help. "But now, things have gotten worse," she added.

I have a hack. Imma gonna vanlife down to the Amazon and intro myself to this Marubo tribe and become their Goddess, and I may even honeymoon the boys if nexesscary to prove I from the Western sky of El Norte. What could go wrong, unless I watch too much content, repeat the slang, and say 'Eat me' and then they literally do. They're not cannibals, right? Worse comes to worse, I'll convert my van into a delivery truck and pick up some packages. - Goddess, where do you think 'there' is? - Amazon, right? - That's right, and where's that? - South of TJ, for sure. Near Rosarito?
'Hack'? My gosh these Millennials are dum.
The tribe faces a fundamental dilemma regarding the internet's use and its impact on their culture. "Young people have gotten lazy because of the internet," Tsainama said.

"They're learning the ways of the white people." Despite this, she pleaded, "But please don't take our internet away." The youth are now frequently on their phones, chatting with friends, glued to screens, and accessing inappropriate content. Alfredo Marubo, leader of a Marubo association of villages, expressed his concerns to The New York Times. He is particularly troubled by the spread of pornography. "We're worried young people are going to want to try it," he said, noting that some leaders have observed more aggressive sexual behavior among young men.

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