Tuesday, June 11, 2024

NASA: 'Weird' thing happening in universe

"Something weird" is happening with our universe according to NASA
Swerdlow (expansions.com)
Does our concept of time and space actually make sense? Do we actually know what the end and beginning look like or even are? Where did humans come from, and why are we on this planet?

ETs and humanoid robots
We wish we could have all the answers to all the universes, as if somehow unlocking the "how" would change our "why."

As we understand more, humans can control our purpose on earth [along with all of the ET races also co-inhabiting this planet]. New research from the Hubble Space Telescope has found something strange is happening in the universe.

"Don't panic" (HHGTTG)
NASA is working on figuring out what exactly is happening and why. However, this could not only challenge our previous assumptions and understanding of the universe, but it could also introduce a "brand new physics." Keep reading to learn what it means.

[The "new physics" is already known and studied on military bases and on black budget project sites like Groom Lake, but all of that is top secret and higher, with there being many levels above top secret like majestic.

The Montauk Monster came through portal
Success in the ordinary sphere of physics in a university or place like Alamo or Bell Labs leads to a visit and offer of greater opportunity working secretly for the government and/or its alphabet agencies, such as DARPA, the CIA, NSA, NSC, Montauk Labs, and the US military and their D.U.M.B.s] More

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