Monday, June 3, 2024

Weather modification: scorch, hail, rain, floods

Severe flooding in Afghanistan results in the loss of at least 60 lives
(Sky News Australia) May 10, 2024: Heavy [artificially produced, modified, manipulated, or guided] rainfall led to widespread flooding in Afghanistan, resulting in the loss of at least 60 lives and leaving another 100 injured. In the worst-affected regions, over 200 people are trapped in their homes. Emergency personnel are searching for survivors and victims. Around 2,000 homes and four schools have been damaged.

Dangerous heat wave headed west with temperatures into the triple-digits
(ABC News) June 3, 2024: The temperatures in California and the Western United States are set to soar this week as a scorching "heat dome" settles over the region. This is expected to bring heightened fire danger near San Francisco and elsewhere.

Jon Stewart tackles climate change over the years | The Daily Show
(The Daily Show) June 1, 2024: Jon Stewart tackles climate change over the years including seasonably cold weather somehow invalidating global warming, Republicans using a secular argument to counter the Pope's statement about climate change and a House of Representatives committee struggling with the basic principles of global warming. #DailyShow #ClimateChange #Pope

Freakish floods and manipulated weather in Texas, Afghanistan, Brazil, Pakistan, and Dubai

Texas residents capture severe weather, hail sweeping across state
(CBS TEXAS) May 29, 2024: Residents in Texas are recovering after heavy thunderstorms, strong winds, and massive hail that battered parts of the state. Videos captured the severe storms sweeping across the state on Tuesday. #texas #weather #news

Strange happenings over Texas, God's Country
The day began with temps in the hundreds and then dropped 50 degrees as it started to hail (a kind of lumpy snow falling from the sky frozen). It hailed so bad that snow ploughs were needed to clear the road. Who is manipulating and modifying the weather? A storm comes through, possibly steered by HAARP but not necessarily, and an adulterant aerosol is sprayed into the air to cluster water molecules into rain that then freezes all out of control. These strange goings on have the fingerprints of manipulation. But it's Texas.

Let's close ourselves off. F the traitor Trump.
Maybe God is mad at conservative Texans or coldly weeping as God's candidate Trump is convicted in Ceasar's courtroom in New York City. Trump is the Pace picante sauce of candidate, red with psoriasis or rosacea on top of his albinism and hair dye, orange foundation "bronzer," and heavy hard hold hairspray, all of which he applies himself, caking it onto his large pores and cratered face, with the result of a six foot Umpa Loompa and yet Republicans do not laugh with embarrassment but applaud with approval as if he's the new John Wayne out to kill Indians for the glory of Fort Something in the Wild West. Trump cashed in, duping donors to support a multi-billionaire with small donations to stick it to Genocide Joe the child molester Biden and bright, well-spoken Kamala H. Does anyone ever get the impression that Trump's only job is not to express his narcissism but to keep the circus going by attracting as much attention as he can to himself? The goal of a leader in Douglas Adams' Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy is NOT to wield power but to draw attention away from it. And in that regard, Trump is doing a better job than Zaphod Beeblebrox the two-headed man wonder.

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