Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Top Cop Canadian Kamala harms Blacks

Why are they in public service other than to selflessly serve the people [word salads]?

Her Marxist father rejects her.
(The Jimmy Dore Show) July 24, 2024: Don Lemon: “Kamala [may be Jamaican but she] is NOT African-American!” with Nick Cruse. She may be Black (half Jamaican by her absent father) but she was raised in Canada by East Indians, is rejected by her father whom she hates and therefore took it out on Black men as a prosecutor. If it weren't for prostituting herself to Willie Brown as a young political hopeful, she'd have no connection to Blacks at all, other than prosecuting them, enslaving them (by keeping them imprisoned beyond their sentences until she was twice sued to stop it, which is when her office explained that the county they prosecuted people for needed their labor), and seizing their assets through destructive asset forfeiture statutes that were overzealously used on them.

Back when he was still on CNN, Don Lemon took issue with then-California [raised in Canada like Jewish rapper Aubrey "Drake" Graham] Senator Kamala Harris describing herself as “African-American.”
Van Jones lies for Kamala

No way to Camel Joe
Attorney General and self-proclaimed "Top Cop" Harris is legitimately Black, Lemon argued, but she is descended from Jamaican [slave dealers] and not American Blacks, who themselves experienced chattel slavery [that made them "property"] and Jim Crow abuses in the US.

Jimmy Dore and Revolutionary Blackout Network Host Nick Cruse discuss Kamala Harris’ crimes against the Black community, Black men (whom she imprisoned and illegally kept in prison beyond their sentences).

Her complicated ethnicity is easy to explain. It is astonishingly at odds from how she has portrayed herself, depending on circumstances and political exigencies.

Kamala: What is Juneteenth? It's June and teen.
She bragged about being the first Indian-American person elected to the Senate, not the first Black American.

#Traitor #Hypocrite #FriendofNetanyahu #AIPACsupporter #WifeAndMotherofJewishFamily #TheJimmyDoreShow
  • Jimmy Dore, Nick Cruse (, 7/25/24; Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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