Friday, July 26, 2024

Irish Zen or wildlife: booze, tat, sexy piercing

Catholic Irish girl gets tattoo without parents' permission (or St. Paddy's blessing)
Me tit hurts now, Penny. Where's Sean?
(pennzter) Oops... please pray or send positive vibes my way so I hopefully get that footage back [after a fine day of craic/crack and tramping with me mates, Sean and Abby, a male lesbian and me vegan bestie with her tipple pierced eatin a packet of crisps and a gallon of mash with...

Fast forward 10 years to when Penny's a mom

Abby, quit bellyaching. It's time to party!
Mexicanish salsuh, but not too spicey because anythink hotter than a tater burns me bum even tho I, Penny, look Spanish, and I'm so sorry, Mum, for bein a rebel and gettin a light brown trinity of dots behind me ear to show everyone wut a wild child me is. We want nuthin more than to be like our American models of behavior from the telly and theatre via Hollywood.]

This is how we live: A Day in the Life of the National Youth Theatre
  • Instagram: vea.via
  • Tik-Tok lmaooo: veavia
  • Like and subscribe, losers!
  • xo
And Now for Something Completely Different: 😁

Meditating with Irish Buddhists in Dublin
Irish Celtic Zen Meditation | album by Zen Méditation Ambiance (Spotify)

Dublin Buddhist Centre (RTÉ's Morning Edition)

Pure Heart, Enlightened Mind
(RTÉ News) In this week's Doors Open series, RTÉ's Morning Edition reporter Aisling Riordan visits the Dublin Buddhist Centre, where Dubliners go to meditate and purify their minds.

They do this not necessarily to become "Buddhists" but to learn to strengthen their attentiveness, develop peace, bubble up happiness from within, and get a taste of the Dharma (Teachings) that drew Irish Buddhists like Laurence O'Connell (U Dhammaloka, the first Westerner in history to ordain as a Buddhist monk) and Maura O'Halloran (Zen Master Soshin or Daigo Soshin Bikuni) to Theravada Buddhist Burma and Zen Buddhist Japan to full-time practice.

Larry O'Connell (U Dhammaloka) is an inspiration
The center is not about conversions or ordinations. Rather, it teaches practitioners in an urban, secular, industrialized environment. Some train to be Dhammacharis (Dharma-acharyas).

Either may marry, be single, have sex, be celibate, practice intensively on retreat or as they get the opportunity with their children and family responsibilities.

Why do punk rockers like Buddhism?
Unlike the lives of Catholic and Protestant officials, who are often seen to lead to hypocrisy and bad behavior completely at odds with Churchly vows, these practitioners use the Dharma to uplift themselves and those around them by their mindfulness, peace, virtue, wakefulness, and clarity.

The Irish Buddhist
It's not "religious" so much as ordinary life but spiritual, following examples from the Wisdom of the East like the Buddha (the "Awakened One") and Avalokita/Kwan Yin (the "Goddess of Compassion"), a kind of "Jesus and Mary Chain" that existed centuries before Christianity.

ABOUTRTE is an Irish public broadcast service. Keep up to date with all the latest Irish and international news and current affairs with Follow on twitter @rtenewsnow and on Facebook rtenewsnow.
  • Penny goes wild (Pentzer on YouTube, Aug. 30, 2019); Dublin Buddhist Centre featured on RTE News, 9/16/13; Dhr. Seven, Amber Larson, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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