Monday, July 29, 2024

JD Vance 'awfully weird': Trump regrets VP

'Awfully weird': Trump 'absolutely' regretting picking JD Vance
(MSNBC) July 26, 2024: JD Vance wrote the forward to the Project 2025 agenda that Trump is to run as far away from as possible. The Trump campaign says the ex-president will not commit to a debate until VP Kamala Harris is the official Democratic nominee. And then at that time, he will find another reason to avoid debating her. Also, JD Vance is facing growing backlash for comments he made about childless people in 2021, about who should pay taxes, and about how much he and Trump are invested in living out the Project 2025. Former New York Rep. Max Rose and former advisor to George W. Bush and John McCain Mark McKinnon join Ana Cabrera to share their political analysis. #JDVance #Trump #Politics

Donald Trump may ditch JD Vance as VP after ‘damaging’ week
(Sky News Australia) July 29, 2024: Speculation continues to grow over whether former US Pres. DJ Trump will ditch JD Vance as his running mate after a “very damaging” week. It comes as a 2021 interview with Tucker Carlson resurfaced last week, in which Vance referred to Democrats like AOC and VP Kamala as a "bunch of childless cat ladies" who don’t have a stake in the future of the country. The Republican VP nominee has since defended his comments after facing backlash following the remarks he made back in 2021. The Australian’s Washington Correspondent Adam Creighton joined Sky News host Chris Kenny to discuss the recent backlash the senator is facing and whether Trump will remove him from the ticket as the Republican vice president nominee. “It’s been very damaging,” Creighton said. “I mean he's had to explain himself and as they say in politics if you’re explaining you're losing and there’s been a lot of explaining this week.”

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