Sunday, July 21, 2024

Second gunman involved in shooting Trump

Trump is not afraid, except of old Bernie Sanders who spooked him more than Hillary (WP).
Acoustics is a science that can make sense of this forensic data, just as happened with JFK/CIA.
Prepared patsy Tommy Matt Crooks?
Everyone now knows that Mr. Thomas Matthew Crooks (with short hair because the longhaired gentleman was a misidentification that has yet to be widely corrected by the mainstream media) was a bad shot, so bad he was not allowed into a shooting club.

Yet, we are expected to believe he was marksman enough to get all those shots in. And now we are told that the shot that conveniently murdered him so that he would never have to face questioning or trial was a "one in a million" shot by a marksman on a faraway roof?
Everyone, even Kyle Gass, knows something fishy is going on here, and the smell is only getting fishier.

The number of gunshots does not add up. Professionals say it was a miracle Crooks could have gotten off more than one shot, but we are to believe he fired at least seven times?

The lady's given the signal. Move away!
We here shot then more different-sounding volley of shots, which we assumed were retaliatory fire. But the Secret Service brags that it fired once for a miraculous kill shot. What was all the other firing? It is clearly from different guns at different distances with different echoes.
BREAKING: Evidence suggests second gunman involved in Trump assassination attempt
Did Q know? Why didn't he warn?
(Legally Armed America) This video is protected under fair use, fair dealing, or similar exceptions to copyright. Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this video are those of the speaker and guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent.

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  • Legally Armed America, Premiered July 19, 2024: Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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