Saturday, July 6, 2024

The story of the Buddha in brief

The Story of the Buddha – Prince Siddhartha Gautama – complete
(See U in History / Mythology) The "Enlightened One" or the Buddha was born as Prince Siddhartha Gautama, who became the Buddha at age 35. He was born into a royal (kshastriya) family among the Scythians in the 5th century BCE in what is now [Bamiyan, Afghanistan, which at that time was  Kapilavastu, part of Gandhara]. After confronting human suffering, he renounced his princely life in search of answers and enlightenment -- namely, why do we suffer and what can be done to bring about the end of all suffering? With six years of wandering ascetic practices and meditation -- practicing under two yogis, Alara Kalama and Uddakka Ramaputta -- under a sacred fig tree, awakened, achieved nirvana, and understood the causes and conditions of suffering (disappointment, woe, unsatifactoriness) and the path to liberation.

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