Sunday, July 14, 2024

Trump gets ear pierced by Crooks

Trump for president? Well, yes, if you mean this Trump, the only acceptable one, L'il Meli Jr.
Americans dislike Ex-Pres. Don John Trump very much, though some seem to like and even belong to a kind of Donald Cult, in spite of what he said about how he would lie to Republicans to advance his political career. At least he tells the truth about his lies, sometimes, in his more candid moments. But are we really treating the Old Boy fairly? Fair enough, much fairer than he deserves. Here is a joke a to make the point.
Illustrative joke
This is not doctored. These are his real parents.
One day Trump went to greet the Pope at the airport near the coast on his first U.S. visit. They took a drive along the beach and visited the fashionable pier area with its fine restaurants and shops, with bodyguards and the Pope's retinue in tow -- as well as a crush of media. As the pontiff and president stood admiring the ocean, a breeze kicked up and blew the Pope's hat into the sea. Trump immediately walked upon the water and picked it up for him, brushing it off and returning it to the Pope dry and unharmed. That evening all the major news outlet ran the same headline: "Trump can't swim."
He's not kidding. He really wants to molest her.
So does the lying "fake media," which can't get enough of him, cut him a break? All the time. In fact, they go overboard to promote him and use him for ratings. Back before his election, rather than showing an active Bernie Sanders' rally as he talked about a vision of a better/fairer American economy, the networks would wait at an empty stage for Trump and give valuable airtime to Trump, who wasn't even there. Maybe they just chase ratings, maybe they hated Bernie's radical politics and socialist promises, or maybe they loved Trump's capitalist jib and patriotic fantasies.

Like mother like son: genetic hair problems.
The only good thing about Trump, and we as an outlet who are no fans of conservatives or liars, will say this nice thing about him: He shakes things up and has almost singlehandedly brought the Republican party to ruin and universal ill repute, ah, that often racist "Grand Old Party" (GOP). Yet, they still can't get enough of him. He is the Zaphod Beeblebrox* of American candidates, and that job -- his real job -- he is doing better than anyone else.
  • Draconian: I'm a snake, and you love it.
    *Zaphod Beeblebrox is the president of the Galaxy in Douglas Adams' famous trilogy, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which is nearly all comedic with dollops of wisdom so big that one wonders at Adams' real aim in writing it. One political gem is explaining why such a loose cannon would ever be made president of anything, much less the galaxy. As it turns out, we've all been misunderstanding presidents. They do not get elected to wield power like they think, they get selected to draw attention away from the real sources of it, the movers and shakers behind the scenes, hidden from the regular people though controlling all of our lives. Much better than reading it or watching the movie and TV versions is listening to the original BBC 4 radio series.
Will bleed for attention: narcissism
If nothing else, everyone who is paying attention has to admit that he made paying attention to boring politics seem like a necessity. B.S. Obama got away with so many war crimes and things Dick Cheney could only dream of doing, and no one was paying attention or cared, and even now people will not believe the incredible harm he did. We as Americans are only into what UCLA Professor of Psychology David Sears called "symbolic politics." We don't care what is really going on except, maybe, when we perceive how it affects us. Real politics? Booooring.

Barry Soetoro Obama (aka Barrack Hussein Obama) and "Big Mike" (aka Michelle)
Kill anybody lately, Barry? (
A gay Black man who smokes crack and is married to a demonstrable transvestite, who kills people with his bare hands when need be (and otherwise has them assassinated), who was groomed by the CIA for the job and worked on secret space projects in his youth can't hold a candle to Trump. And the nation loved that guy, too, but try to make them. But try to make them see the truth, forget about it. It's easy to lie to people, as Trump well knows, but it is nearly impossible to convince anyone that they have been lied to.

Joe, where's Pres. Jill? I can't cover for you.
You have to vote, so you have to vote for somebody. Our candidate? Our choice? Andrew D. Basiago. (Barry knows him). He's the future of this country. In the meantime, we will settle for Jill Stein presidency or, if politics have to carry on the way they are for the capitalist war machine Mario Savio complained about in Berkeley, we will settle for the lesser of two evils: evil Cackling Kamala with Jill Biden as her VP.
Joe Biden looks tired and exhausted. Here are the tricks his team is using to obscure his blunders

A vote for Basiago is a vote for
government transparency.
  • (video); Editors, Wisdom Quarterly OPINION EDITORIAL
In more important breaking news, "Brenda" (Shannen Dougherty) dies of cancer at 53, and Hawk Tuah Girl speaks out:

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