Friday, July 26, 2024

Voices of Insight Meditation (anthology)

Begin again, begin again, and if necessary...
The Buddha made a general distinction between two types of cultivation or "meditation," one emphasizing calm and the other wisdom, shamatha and vipassana. This tradition of calm-and-insight is inseparable, one interdepending on the other, acting as the foundation for the other. The Theravada tradition used to encourage (foolishly in our opinion) dry insight, that is, this kind of meditation without the help of the other. Begin with calm and use it as a support for insight practices, which mainly derive from the two Satipatthana Suttas or the "Fourfold Setting Up of Mindfulness Discourses."
Sharon Salzberg
edited an anthology called Voices of Insight about vipassana meditation in 1/9/99 with Mirabai Bush. It has 4.7 out of 5 stars 21 ratings.

Voices of Insight
In this anthology, leading Western teachers of Buddhism share their personal experiences on the path of insight meditation called vipassana; their understanding of the basic teachings of the Buddha; the lessons they've learned in their training with their own teachers; and some good advice on following the Buddha-Dharma in everyday situations of work, family, and service. These contributors include:
  • Jack Kornfield
  • Sharon Salzberg
  • Larry Rosenberg
  • Sylvia Boorstein
  • Christopher Titmuss
  • Joseph Goldstein
  • Steve Armstrong
  • Narayan Liebenson Grady
  • Bhante G (Ven. Gunaratana)
  • Gavin Harrison
  • Kamala Masters
  • Michele McDonald-Smith
  • Rodney Smith
  • Steven Smith
  • Ajahn Sumedho
  • Carol Wilson
  • Christina Feldman
  • BOOKVoices of Insight
  • Amber Larson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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