Thursday, August 1, 2024

Kami 'n Mindy make Indian food (TDS)

What a disgusting PHONY Kamala is. Don't think so? In another video she goes to a white girl's house in Iowa to make cookies and fawns and exclaims how uncanny it is that the teen's family writes recipes down on pieces of scrap paper -- just like the ancient lineage of Harrises do. That's all she can to say to get the spotlight off her. Point at a trivial nothing to try to make it seem like a point of commonality? And we thought Hillary was a socially awkward charlatan.

Kamala hunts for VP (as if Kelly hasn't already been selected) and Trump drags Mindy into his racist drama

(The Daily Show) Aug. 1, 2024: Ronny Chieng tackles DJ Trump's continued attacks on Kamala's changing racial identity, this time citing...Mindy Kaling's Instagram? JD Vance handles his own race problems with a lukewarm defense of his East Indian wife against white supremacists, and Ronny runs down Harris's options for a running mate, who, as Desi Lydic explains, absolutely cannot be a woman, no f'n way, nothing doing, no one is showing up Momala or she'll be darned and put out to dry. #DailyShow #RonnyChieng #KamalaHarris

Leslie Jones on voting for Trump

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