Saturday, August 3, 2024

Nikola Tesla communicated w/ ET aliens

Serbian Nikola Tesla was not the only contactee. Austrian Maria Orsic was as well..
This was not the first time a Tesla made it into space, not that Elon Musk really sent one.

Did Nikola Tesla contact aliens like he said? | The Black Knight
Edison who? That copycat hack!
(Absolute Documentaries) July 20, 2024: Do the recently discovered doorways on Mars' surface hold an existential lesson for Earthlings of our species?

(Episode 3 | The Black Knight) In 1998, American astronauts captured images of a mysterious satellite in Earth's orbit. Could it be the same alien object that Nikola Tesla detected in 1899, known as the "Black Knight"?

In 2017, scientists discovered another enigmatic satellite from outside our solar system. What could explain Oumuamua's artificial trajectory?

Episode 4 | The Doorway: The Doorway: Mars is humanity's key focus for space expansion. Millions of years ago, Mars had much in common with Earth, but it is now a desert wasteland on the surface [with life moved mostly underground].
Nikola Tesla: Afterlife Comments on Paraphysical Concepts, Vol. 1: New Definitions and Meditations

Afterlife Comments on Paraphysical Concepts
Author Francesca Thoman has 4.5 out of 5 stars with 14 ratings for this book, a part of: Nikola Tesla, Afterlife Comments on Paraphysical Concepts (three book series).

From his vantage point in the afterlife, [channeled] Nikola Tesla presents an exhilarating approach to a multi-dimensional physics that includes human consciousness.

Covering subjects such as intelligent magnetism, the Dimension of Identity, the enfolded geometries of time-space, and coherent spiritual light, Tesla offers several unique and powerful meditations to
  • re-tune our chakras,
  • engage luminal intelligence,
  • ground structures of light, and
  • create spiritual enzymes.
The Vril Society channeled alien info for humans.
In a series of articles and interviews that cover numerous subjects, Nikola Tesla shows that even in the afterlife, he is still engaged with humanity and remains fascinated with the nature of the universe.

Channeled by Francesca Thoman, this book is the first volume in a series of highly original lectures that integrate human spirituality and multi-dimensional physics.

Presenting mathematical ideas in clear, intelligent language, Tesla and Thoman work together to offer several wholly new ideas.

Working with elusive concepts of light, gravity, magnetism, and DNA from a human, spiritual perspective, the authors open up the deeper dimensions of a multi-dimensional universe and make them an intimate part of the human experience.
From: Alien Disclosure Files | S1 E3 & E4. Content licensing from Total Content Digital LLC to Little Dot Studios. ABOUT: Absolute Documentaries brings the best of entertaining and fascinating documentaries for free. Whether one is into true crime, stories from around the world, family and social life, science or psychology, AD has it covered with must-see full-length documentaries every week. Subscribe for more premium documentaries: #documentary #free #movie
  • Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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