Friday, August 30, 2024

Tulsi, RFK, Dore, JP...anti-Kamala, pro-Trump

It's stacking up...Jimmy Dore, RFK Jr., JP, Gov. Tulsi Gabbard, impersonator Estee Palti, and my neighbor Robbie Joiner, who in child I threw rocks at, everyone is going ANTI-Kamala. Not many people like Trump (some MAGAots, but not the average citizen), yet more and more are seeing through the sham that is the Democrat Party's propped up candidate.

(AwakenWithJP) has been on Kamala's [rump] for years

My urgent warning about Kamala Harris
(Tulsi Gabbard) Aug. 28, 2024: Kamala Harris will drive us to war [as the Democrat party has become the party of the CIA, Pentagon, DARPA, NSA, NSC, DHS, IRS, Meta, Apple, and military-industrial complex] and not in the pursuit of peace [as her pretty facade would suggest], if she's elected president on the United States.

Listen up, Ben Shapiro, you rightwing POC -
Person of color? - No, "piece of cr*p"

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