Wednesday, August 14, 2024

World's oldest forest 100s of millions-y-o

The world's oldest forest dating hundreds of millions of years old has been found
What garden existed in ancient New York state?
The world's oldest forest, which dates back hundreds of millions of years, has been found.

Scientists have unearthed the world's oldest known forest in upstate New York, USA.

This 386-million-year-old woodland predates the dinosaurs by over 100 million years. Researchers mapped 3,000 square meters of the ancient forest in Cairo, New York. What other prehistoric wonders might lie hidden beneath our feet?

Archaeopteris tree reconstruction (wiki)

No more woodlands left in NYC, just this patch
Primordial flora: Meet earth's early arboreal pioneers ( This ancient forest contains primitive plants called cladoxylopsids and Archaeopteris trees.

These early species reproduced using spores rather than seeds. Archaeopteris, reaching heights of 30 meters, was among the first plants to develop leaves. How did these ancient trees shape the world we know today?

  • Krishna Bora, ScreenGawk (News18 via; Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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