Monday, September 16, 2024

How to be ONE with Christ (video)

Collage: idealized Nordic white version of Middle Eastern Jewish guru

How can we save the world, Sid? - Teach, Jess.
It is the goal of Buddhism -- to the extent that we set any goal but basic goodness or being true to our enlightened nature for its own sake -- is to experience the Buddha's awakening. The enlightenment of disciples is exactly like that of the Awakened One. The difference is all the Bodhisatta (Buddha-to-be) did in past lives to become a teacher able to realize and communicate the Dharma (the Truth) to the world and establish it so that it keeps liberating others even after his own liberation. In just the same way, one might speak of an "original Christianity" where being Christed (dying to oneself and being born again) is the goal, as Dr. DC Ammon Hillman speaks of in the use of "mysteries" as mystery cults had been doing for millennia. No one intended to found a "religion" but only to point out the path-of-practice for advancing to the heavens or making an end of all rebirth and suffering here and now.
  • Jews and Judaism rejects the belief that Jesus [actual name "Yeshua ben Yusuf of Nazareth"] was the long awaited Messiah [Buddhism's Maitreya, or a political rebel arrived to overthrow imperial Roman rule, according to Dr. Reza Aslan], arguing that Jesus did not fulfill messianic prophecies, was not lawfully anointed [though "anointed" actually comes from the Greek kristos, which is a means of ingesting a psychedelic/entheogenic drug by pressing and holding an anointed cloth against the open skin to take things ("dotes") like snake venom or entheogenic compounds in the cult pharmacopeia through the skin followed by an antidote, as Dr. Hillman goes to great pains to explain] and was neither divine nor resurrected [but rather realized all humans have divine potential and had the audacity to tell them that, because in that sense we are all GOD, and his followers bribed Roman soldiers to cut him down during his crucifixion long before anyone dies from this special form of Roman humiliation and torture reserved for political crimes (trying to foment an insurrection against Roman rule, explains Dr. Aslan). Jesus the Christ would then mean "Yeshua the Anointed One."]
Why "Christ" is a position NOT a person
Hollywood, can you make Him more white? Maybe Judy Garland, Shirley Temple, meets Thor?

Jesus dipped in bleach gone too far?
(Library of Tehuti) Learn the hidden truth about Christhood and its universal nature across ancient wisdom traditions.

Part 2 of the “Many Christs” series shows how "Christ" was not a name but a title and state of consciousness achievable by all. A disciple of Christ would strive to experience it.

Explore the suppressed teachings from the Nag Hammadi Library, ancient Egypt, and Eastern philosophical traditions, all of which point to our innate divine potential and nature.

This tulku was great rinpoche
Learn about the universal path of ascension shared by mystics and sages throughout history. Discover practical techniques to awaken the "Christ Consciousness" by including meditation, self-inquiry, and compassionate practices.

Understand why this powerful knowledge has been hidden and how it relates to the current global shift in consciousness. Begin the journey to realizing our true divine nature and unlocking our unlimited spiritual potential today.
๐ŸŒ€ All artwork is illustrated and designed by the Library of Tehuti Team. If there is any problem or inquiry about this video, please contact: Thanks for presence and engagement. ๐ŸŒ€

The Romans were bad. How could they do what they were told? I would never do that.
๐Ÿ”ดSubscribe: @libraryoftehuti. TAGS: #Christhood #DivinePotential #SpiritualAwakening #AncientWisdom #NagHammadi #MysticTraditions #ConsciousnessExpansion #SelfRealization #UniversalTruth #DivineCommunion #SpiritualAscension #InnerDivinity #CosmicConsciousness #Enlightenment #SpiritualGrowth #EsotericKnowledge #HigherConsciousness #UnityConsciousness #SpiritualEvolution #DivineNature

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