Monday, September 23, 2024

Israel not to blame for its war crimes?

Wisdom Quarterly's new [honorary] Lebanese correspondent Mia Khalifa: Make love not war

Yeah, yeah, yeah, get it out of your system.
What?! That's crazy. Of course Israel is guilty and to blame for its state-sponsored terrorism, imperial Zionist war crimes, atrocities, crimes against humanity, and textbook genocide, which has a very exact definition.

What we mean is that maybe it isn't Israel and its revolting hypocrisy, calling itself "the most moral army in the world" because it throws a bomb on the roof 57 seconds before it throws it in the window of a civilian family's home to behead and maim the children inside and exterminate whole families living in overcrowded conditions, or its CIA-groomed Chicagoan Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, because it might be the USA (CIA, NSA, NSC, US Department of War, Pentagon, White House) directing them, funding them, prompting them, and backing them.
  • Lebanese War Correspondent Mia K. is skeptical
    But Israel is committing war crimes, right? Yes, of course. To say Israel is not to "blame" is not to say war crimes are not being committed or that they are not being committed by Jewish Zionist war criminals. It is only to point out that just as one would not blame, for example, a Mafioso, an Italian thug, for killing, maiming, threatening, and other horrors without pointing to the boss who sent him, the Godfather. Who is the Godfather here scheming with Israel, AIPAC, worldwide Zionists? It is the CIA, Pentagon, and U.S. War Machine. It's been going on for so long, with other aiders and abettors like the UK and EU and other "client states," that Israel would try to go on even if we pulled out. But could they succeed with our for-profit military-industrial complex arming, diplomatically covering, and planning attacks, not to mention sending in U.S. ships, spy planes, secret technologies, DARPA weapons, and countless billions to promote American imperialism and the setting up of military bases and networks. What is the U.S. endgame? Ask the CIA or Scott Ritter or a whistleblower.
Endgame (Scott Ritter)
It would explain why we as the peace movement and antiwar protesters are able to make no headway in bringing about peace by pointing out war criminal Netanyahu's actions, poking holes in Zionist Israeli propaganda, psyops, and blatant lies anyone should be able to see through.

Some will not accept this suggestion because there really are bloodthirsty Zionist Jews out to build an empire by carving out all the nearby countries -- Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and of course Mandatory Palestine.
Of course there's U.S. collusion - Scott Ritter
Do non-Jewish people (Gentiles and the hated "Arabs") know that the nonstate of Israel expanded its settler colonial project (territory) by stealing land from neighboring countries? What we call beloved Gaza -- formerly the largest open-air prison in the world, now a crime scene -- was Egypt. In the 1967 "Six Day War," Israel just stole it, like Putin's Russia just deciding Ukraine belongs to the Soviet Union (USSR) and we're what's left of that union so what's yours is mine and what's mine is none of your business; ergo, the US State Department can put out a new map of the world ASAP.

Why this is not such a crazy idea. What group, if any, is driving the USA? Does a group exercise undue influence on the White House (Jared, Doug, Monica, Laura, Henry, and too many staffers to mention), on the State Department, on the Pentagon, on Washington DC, on the press, on Hollywood, on Wall Street, on the university system, on the public imagination? Has one group arisen to decide -- or at least pretend to decide because maybe it's being used as the proxy, the scapegoat, the avantgarde, the frontline face of a spearhead into the geopolitical Middle East.
Are we barking up the wrong tree? It's really DC
There are a lot of good Jewish people who are not Zionists, not American and European imperialists, who oppose genocide, who do not defend biblical nonsense that says, in essence, "God is our real estate agent." But many more are silent. And worst of all, there's a sizable segment that speaks for the whole. Some people defend Israel no matter what it does. Some lie for it no matter how egregious the lies.

Judaism is not Zionism, many agree.
It isn't little Israel acting on its own. That's clear. Many governments are aiding and abetting it, to ensure their steady supply of arms from Israel and American arms dealers. Some can't afford to be without them in times that are artificially kept unsteady and unpredictable by the US of A with enemies everywhere.

Today Japan shot at a Russian jet that it says crossed over the line into its airspace. Will Russia retaliate? Scandinavian countries want to join NATO for fear Russian may have to expand to oppose the forces being aligned against it, as evidenced by the US Proxy-War on Russia in Ukraine.

Well, 2 standards are probably better than 1
Today a show on KPFK (Health & Wellness Mix, 90.7 FM Los Angeles, 1:00-2:00 pm, Sept. 23, 2024) had such clarity on the real movers and shakers for war: It's us in the sense of US (the United States). Israel is an arm of our hegemony.

A group is willing to fight "Arabs" (Middle Easterners), so we're only to happy to provide the guns, targets, PR, diplomatic cover in the UN, illegal weapons (cluster bombs), covert support (CIA, NSA, etc. black budget projects), Congress-approved bombs and official-budget allocations, dual-citizenship fighters (US citizen-Israeli in a foreign army with allegiance to a foreign power)
  • Amy Goodman,; CNN Channel 18 (video); Analyst Scott Ritter via Thao Nhi, 0/23/24; Shauna Schwartz, Ashley Wells, Sheldon S., Pfc. Sandoval, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly EDITORIAL

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