Friday, September 6, 2024

Kamala's ALREADY been first female prez

Don't call me "Veep" no more, Julia. Now I'm "Madame President." How? I don't know. LOL!
Why are the leftists bashing Jewish Dana Bash? It must be antisemitism. What else could it be?

Biden briefly transfers powers of the presidency to Harris as colonoscopy during physical involved anesthesia
Whatcha doin' there, Kam? Let me sniff you.
(MSNBC) Nov. 19, 2021: VP Kamala D. Harris has been made president, temporarily, under the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, because sickly Pres. Joe was, as expected, put under anesthesia, and the power of the White House was transferred to her.

So technically at that moment of transfer, she became the first known FEMALE POTUS, president of the United States. But to spare embarrassment to Biden, his colon and host of illnesses and necessary procedures, little to no attention was brought to this momentous moment [which has been repeated various times since for every secretive procedure and mysterious absence].
I'm too good for this. I've tasted power and like it
So, officially speaking and by proclamation of the ruler, announced by NBC News on Nov. 19, 2021, President Harris was empowered by Joe Biden, who was briefly transferring his powers to Vice President Kamala as he underwent a "routine" physical at Walter Reed [that involves anesthesia, like all "routine" physicals do, right? This one may have involved a deep colonoscopy into Brown Nosers' Central]. NBC's Shannon Pettypiece reports from the White House.

[Did she go into the Oval Office, take the seat of power, the American throne, make calls, make executive decisions, and sign them in a legally binding way with her newfound powers? Almost certainly yes. What else did she have to do lo these three years of nominal power as VP?]

Kamala is ALREADY president [alongside enfeebled shell of a man, a wax figure, a demented old fool]
He was all like, "You're president." And I was all like, "They're going to stick what up your...?"

(TwinsPod) Sept. 6, 2024: What will change? Kamala Harris is saying she is going to change things. But she has been in office for four years helping Biden and otherwise doing nothing.

Pres. Joe Biden: For sale (car not included)
(WQ) The fix is in: The Republican Bushes (Bush Klan) support her, the Cheneys (Dick and Liz) support her, the McCains support her, Pres. Putin supports her, many conservatives support her, the Obamas back her, the Clintons dub her the next woman to lose to Trump, Nancy Pelosi coronated her to be the face of the party's leadership [neither actual leader nor commander-in-chief, as that does not reside in the office but is in name only].
Illuminati seal: Now pass this on to Kami, Joe.
What will happen? We were sure she would blow her big speech at the DNC because expectations were running to high. We were wrong. She did a great job reading the prepared speech from memory and the teleprompters.

Tricky Q: Camela, do you support guns now?
Now we're sure she will be destroyed during the debate because if bully Trump can do nothing else, he can certainly throw a gal off her game. Look what he did to experienced lawyer, law partner, snake, politician, Secretary of War State Hillary Clinton. One sneak up from the back like a shark and weak Kamala H is doomed. She already can't speak off the cuff, can't answer unprepared questions, can't think on her feet. That's all Trump does since he can't think sitting down, reading, paying attention, or being coached. Trump has tricks up his sleeve and very little down his trou...; in other words, he's got nothing to lose. He might as well throw a wrench in the opposition's Party Machine.

But she did prove that much of the hoopla was being generated by a high-priced public relations agency bought by the party.

Kamala, you are the most deserving woman ever.
The fact is, she cannot speak extemporaneously and does not have a grasp of adlibbing. She's terrible. She gets the deer in the headlights look, starts smiling and nodding, begging for agreement and support, then says the stupidest word-saladiest idiocies imaginable, apparently lifted from her scholar-socialist absent-father's favorite reading material.

Let me axe all y'all a qweshton, Ya woke?

Hey, Baby. *Wink*
 Has she really collected $681 million in campaign donations? Probably. Much more is coming with the Party machine is behind her and all those Hollywood and corporate donors wanting access to her and influence in the oozing Swamp.

She is the mainstream's dream come true to continue the status quo: more war, more illegal funding for Israel's genocide, endless war against Russia by proxy in sending Ukraine as much firepower and technology as it can receive, and being all Genocide Joe has pledged others he would be [when he was still alive and functioning].
"I so afraid [Dad would rape me in the shower]"
  • Genocide Joe Biden is a shell of a man, a walk-in corpse for many entities, as many powerful figures become, a lifelong politician, a toucher of children, inappropriate with his fondling and sniffing even in front of the cameras (not to mention what his own biological daughter, Ashley Biden, said about his child molester ambitions in her leaked diary.
What has Kamala done, what has changed under her own administration, what has she ever accomplished?

Here, sniff this, Joe. I didn't say suck it, eww.
When in Congress, she worked on 180 pieces of legislation. What percentage of them did she get passed and enact into law?

Zero percent. That's right. Nothing, none, zilch. According to candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, as a district attorney, it seems she committed more crimes and illegal maneuverings than honest prosecutions. Electing her means nothing will fundamentally change, just as G-Joe promised if he were elected.

Who really sleeps with Dr. Jill and enjoys pizza?
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  • MSNBC, NBC News, 11/19/21; TwinsPod, 9/6/24; Seth Auberon, Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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