Monday, September 2, 2024

Ultra-processed foods: Joe Rogan on Time

Joe Rogan UNLOADS on Time Magazine for pushing ultra processed foods
(The Jimmy Dore Show) In 2023 Time Magazine ran a comprehensive story detailing the massive health risks associated with consuming processed foods (soda, chips, sugar, beer, pizza, candy, "natural flavors," preservatives, flavorants... But then in July 2024 the magazine undermined all that great reporting by running a [paid for?] piece suggesting not only that processed foods are not all THAT bad, but also that denigrating these products is — get this — racist.

Jimmy Dore and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss a recent segment on Joe Rogan’s podcast ripping into Time Magazine for running an apologist's report for advertisers who are knowingly poisoning the American public for profit with no concern for the health consequences.

Co-host Kurt Metzger on Twitter (kurtmetzger) and website (
  • Joe Rogan, RFK Jr., Jimmy Dore, Kurt Metzger (TJDS,, Sept. 1, 2024: Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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