Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Save the world? No, just help ONE (9/27)

KARMA: It's everywhere you're going to be.
Hi. Beautiful Los Angeles -- with its Hollywood, Santa Monica, UCLA, USC, Caltech, beaches, mountains, woods, canyons, and rivers -- is the jewel of Southern California. It's big enough, with over ten million people in the county with about 4.8 million in the City of LA. One would never imagine how much homelessness and poverty exist here. It's a Tale of Two Cities.

Wait, I can help by rappelling down a building?
Well, what can I do about it? Nothing, you're just one person. When has ONE person ever done anything? Actually, even though we all believe that, the fact of the matter is that ONE person is the only person who has ever done anything. It begins with a will, motivation, or inspiration to help. Now just find a way. Just help one. How about this?
Could it be true, could karma be so strange?

Go Over the Edge

Jump? No, we're going to rappel down
On September 27 and 28, 2024, at the Hilton Los Angeles Universal City Hotel someone is going to get ready to go Over the Edge to fight homelessness and help kick-off the Just Help 1 challenge!

What if everyone in Los Angeles could just help one struggling neighbor? As (Saint) Mother Teresa famously stated, “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.”

Although the homeless numbers in LA feel insurmountable when we consider the total, if we break the problem down to one individual helping one other individual, one family helping one other family, things change — exponentially.
Union Rescue Mission knows the power of ONE:
A store of good karma helps.
  • one friend to make sure one less child suffers from food insecurity
  • one family to ensure that another family doesn’t have to spend one more night in their car
  • one church to make sure one woman can find shelter in a safe community.
By joining us and rappelling 25 stories down from the roof of the Hilton Los Angeles/Universal City Hotel on September 27 and September 28, 2024, you can help get one more person, family, or child off the street for good.

I never want to stop helping others and myself.
Registration is FREE! Just raise $1,000 or more by 6:00 am on the day of your rappel, and you will qualify for this thrilling way to bring new hope to the City of Angels.

YOU CAN Just Help 1 — and possibly many more — find their way home. 

Become a sponsor, make a donation, or register for the event and start fundraising today! Every dollar will be MATCHED to have DOUBLE the IMPACT! *Match is up to $600,000.
ABOUT: Union Rescue Mission (URM) has for over 133 years provided safe shelter, meals, long-term rehabilitation programs, education, counseling, medical services, and spiritual encouragement to assist those wanting to escape the cycle of homelessness forever. Unfortunately, URM's work is far from over. 

Spiritual gets physical, intention becomes deed.
As the world is changing, so has the state of homelessness in the city. People need more than just four walls, a meal, and a bed. They need what URM is uniquely equipped for: HOPE that lasting change and a transformed life are possible. But URM can't do it alone. URM needs partners like YOU to join the Just Help 1 challenge -- a fresh approach to this on-going crisis.

This is your opportunity to turn your compassion into action and take a leap with URM in the fight against homelessness. Click here for more information about Union Rescue Mission.


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