Friday, September 27, 2024

US now (technically) at war with Iran

Stereotypical representation of humans in Iran
There are two belligerent sides. They are in a future theater of war because one has gone there to make trouble or intimidate the other who lives there. Lollygagging about, acting tough, making oneself an easy target for aggression, when does a war begin?

Do Muslim children suffer for US actions?
This is the question. The answer is very easy in retrospect. In the midst of it, we always have a choice. It could never begin. That can be the choice. But since we want it and are only looking for a pretext and international approval (or at least not too much condemnation), it will begin when we claim there has been any act of aggression we deem as crossing the line and necessitating a military response.

Okay, we did Syria, Gaza, Egypt, Lebanon. Now who? - Iran, of course. - Of course.
Take this, Lady Liberty
We are already there for military reason, another imperial venture in a largescale, long-term vision of global domination and full spectrum dominance. This is just a tiny piece of the puzzle. We always intended to make war with Iran, just as we did with Iraq. We look for reasons and, not finding them, we often manufacture them. Later historians prove they never happened or didn't happen as we said, but who cares by then.

Private corporations are all in.
Here now, today, after setting it all up with our partners the mostly European Ashkenazi Jews of the imperial West, having spearheaded the geopolitical Middle East and established a fort, a defensible position, a territorial holding, we are proceeding to expand it into an empire of many countries. Of course, the neighbors are first. The more they resist, the harder we oppress them or wipe them out, exterminate them. This is the path of genocide.

We just plan wars. Others fight them.
We tried legal and diplomatic means to extinguish them, but their bodies and children are in the way of our plans. Our CIA has groomed Chicagoan Benji Netanyahu, set him up as a great dictator and statesman, a fundraiser and an SOB but our SOB, so he's between a rock and a hard place. He wants war, we want war, but there's all this bureaucratic and legalistic "stuff" in the way. He breaks through. And we prompt him, fund him, encourage him, applaud him, threaten him. And he's a good boy. If one Israel is worth ten CIAs, as the CIA chief once admitted, and if Israel didn't exist, we would have to create it. we are just going along with the plans set long before we, the U.S., got into this game. Imperial Britain has been doing this for centuries, following in the footsteps of Imperial Rome.

Kamala's onboard for endless wars
Now here we are again, with about seven war fronts to juggle and looking for many more. The prize is at hand: Iran will be attacked, forced to counterattack, and then be blown back to the Stone Age just like our man Saddam Hussein's Iraq. It's all Mesopotamia to us, and we go God's bidding, not the Good God but the genocidal one of the Bible., which provides us all the justification and rationalizations we need.

We're the good guys, after all, and they're the bad guys. We wear white, and they have on some long, black burqas and turbans and terrorist stuff strapped to them. Onward Christian soldiers, to the new crusades.

What happened today? This is what the mainstream (support every war) media is reporting in the States:

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