Tuesday, September 30, 2008

China's first spacewalk team back on Earth

Gillian Wong (AP, 9/28/08)

Jing Haipeng, Zhai Zhigang, Liu Boming attend send-off ceremony 9/25/08. They have been welcomed home as national heroes (AP).

BEIJING -- Buddhists in space are back on earth. Three Chinese astronauts emerged from their capsule Sunday after a milestone mission to carry out the country's first spacewalk, showing off China's technological know-how and cementing its status as a space power and future competitor to the United States.

A senior space official said the mission — China's most ambitious yet — took the country one step closer in its plan to build a space station and then to land a man on the moon. Wang Zhaoyao, deputy director of manned space flight, said the program is looking to launch a new orbiting vehicle and set up a simple space lab by 2011. There are also hopes of sending unmanned and manned space vehicles to perform docking activities with the target vehicle.

By 2020, China wants to launch a manned mission to experiment with technologies that will enable astronauts to take care of spacecraft for longer periods of time... More>>

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