Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Nepal Maoists oppose Beauty Pageant

Maoists' ugly view of Miss Nepal
Charles Haviland BBC News, Kathmandu

"I feel like we are under a dictatorship more than being a republic or democratic" -- Pranayna KC.

Would-be beauty queens in Nepal have expressed their disap-pointment after the postponement of the Miss Nepal contest for the sixth time this year. It should have been held at the weekend but local authorities banned it after pressure from the Maoist party which heads the government. Contestants due to have taken part have complained of being "victimized."

The Maoists say the con-test discriminates against certain ethnic groups and demeans women. It is not often that a beauty pa-geant is scheduled to take place at the army's head-quarters. But that's where the organizers, event man-agement company Hidden Treasure, had planned to hold the contest -- such were the sensitivities it raised.

At the last moment they got a letter from Kathmandu's district government. "Keeping peace and security in mind, do not let this event take place," it said. The event's antagonist is the women's wing of the Maoist party, the All Nepal Women's Organization (Revolutionary). Last month it stormed the offices of the pageant's Indian sponsor, Dabur Nepal, and locked out its staff. More>>

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