Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Fasting: Eat Less, Remember More

"Less food, more thought," long a sta-ple of Buddhist meditators, Himalayan yogis, and other religious seekers, fasting is gaining credibility due to modern research. The more weight lost, the more memory improved. A preliminary study suggests that restricting calories (or regular, vigorous exercise -- such as yoga -- for those who are already at a healthy weight) is proven to improve memory.

Staying Connected, Faith Online: Sermon Via iPod?

Are you a person of faith who doesn't have enough time in a fast-paced world to go to a temple, church, synagogue, mosque, or other sacred place?

ABC News Wants to Hear From You (AP Photo)

Do you or does anyone you know download sermons onto an iPod, or listen to sermons online, or receive text messages with bits of spiritual wisdom on them?

Have you ever bought any "One-Minute Bible" books, or books reflecting a quicker way of attaining some spirituality in your life?

ABC News would like to hear from you. We are looking for people who turn to new, often abbreviated means, as a way to keep religion in their fast-paced lives.

Please tell us how you stay connected to your faith in the digital era and include a daytime phone number and an evening phone number, and an ABC News producer might reach out to you to include you in our story.

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