Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sri Lanka says it captured last rebel stronghold

Krishan Francis (AP)

Map of Sri Lanka locating Tamil Tigers' military HQ, Mullaittivu. Sri Lankan troops have overrun the last town controlled by Tamil rebels, army chief Lieutenant General Sarath Fonseka has said, striking a significant blow in Asia's longest-running ethnic conflict (AFP/Afp Graphics).
COLOMBO, Sri Lanka – Sri Lankan forces captured the Tamil Tigers' last major stronghold in the country's north, the army announced Sunday, a victory that left the remaining rebel fighters confined to the tiny slice of jungle they still control.

Sri Lankans across the capital, Colombo, exploded in celebration, honking their horns and lighting firecrackers at the news, as they have done several times in the past month as the military fought its way into what was once the rebels' de facto state. More>>

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