Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Bhutan: Dragon King is Man of the People

Simon Denyer

Bhutan's King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck carries a child during 2008 celebrations marking his coronation. With medieval tradition and Buddhist spirituality, the 28-year-old with an Oxford education assumed the Raven Crown of Bhutan to guide the world's newest democracy as it emerges into the modern world (Reuters/Desmond Boylan).

Bhutan's fourth King Jigme Singye Wangchuck (R) crowns his son Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck as the fifth King of Bhutan, in the Throne room.
King Wangchuck carries a child in the courtyard of Tashichhodzong Palace during celebrations (Reuters/Desmond Boylan).

THIMPHU (Reuters) -- He was supposed to look on regally from on high as warriors, monks and masked dancers celebrated his coronation, but Bhutan's new Dragon King instead showed royal star quality by descending to mingle with the crowds on Friday.

The 28-year-old Oxford educated Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, who assumed the Raven Crown on Thursday, spent most of the afternoon among the 20,000 spectators, chatting, joking, and greeting old friends, ordinary people, and tourists.

"He is very gracious and he has amazing charisma," said 36-year-old Patty Wu from San Francisco, after the king stopped to jokingly enquire if her friends were wearing suncream, and to talk about California.

"We felt like we were the only people in the stadium," added 37-year-old photographer Jay Hu at her side.

A few steps on, the Druk Gyalpo or Dragon King picked out a 70-year-old man from several rows back in the crowd. Phuentsho had spent most of his life working for the royal household.

"He joked that I had never made the pilgrimage I had promised to, but told me I had worked very hard," said the laughing old man, dressed in a Bhutanese gho, the national knee-length gown, and a woolly Nike hat. More>>

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