Monday, February 23, 2009

Healing Tones

This piece of music incorporates tones from the full 12 Solfeggio frequency scale. The throat or overtone singing featured on this track is performed by Stian (a.k.a. "stingndr" on YouTube).

There is also Theta brainwave entrainment technology in this track by

The Solfeggio frequencies are from a musical scale used in ancient music, chants, and religious ceremonies that were lost for many centuries. The Solfeggio scale and its chants and frequencies or tones were believed to convey spiritual blessings and transformation when played and sung in harmony.

One of the most interesting Solfeggio frequencies is 528 Hz. Genetic biochemists, according to Dr. Len Horowitz and Dr. Joseph Puleo, suggest this frequency is the repair frequency for damaged DNA. Therefore, 528 Hz is one of the main focus frequencies on this track.

There are nine main Solfeggio frequencies. But it is the six initial tones that many have suggested are of the most benefit. Individual beliefs notwithstanding, as each note has a different tuning from the conventional musical scale, these tones can provide a new stimulus to the mind and physical system.

It has recently been accepted by some scientists that just providing the brain with new input has many benefits in relation to brain plasticity and keeping the mind young, healthy, and activated. As the mind becomes healthy, the physical body also reaps rewards.

The following is a list of some of the Solfeggio Hz and their benefits.

  • 396 Hz - Releasing emotional patterns and the liberation from guilt and fear.
  • 417 Hz - Breaking up crystallized emotional patterns and facilitating change.
  • 528 Hz - "DNA integrity" transformation, love, and miracles.
  • 639 Hz - Whole brain quadrant interconnectedness, connecting relationships.
  • 741 Hz - Intuitive states, non-linear knowing, and awakening intuition.
  • 852 Hz --Unconditional love and returning of spiritual order.

The 12 Solfeggio tones follow a mathematical pattern. They increase by 111 Hz each note.

...63 Hz
.174 Hz
.285 Hz
.396 Hz
.417 Hz
.528 Hz
.639 Hz
.741 Hz
.852 Hz
.963 Hz
1174 Hz
1285 Hz

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