Thursday, February 26, 2009

Yoga and Diet Calm Cancer (cure)

"Yoga can calm breast cancer patients"

HealthDay News -- Yoga can improve the emotional health of breast cancer patients, contends a new U.S. study. "Given the high levels of stress and distress that many women with breast cancer experience, the opportunity to experience feeling more peaceful and calm in the midst of breast cancer is a significant benefit," lead researcher Suzanne Danhauer, of the Wake Forest University School of Medicine, said in a university news release. More>>

"Diet, Exercise could cut cancer rates by third"

PARIS (AFP) – A third of common cancers could be prevented if people shifted to a sounder diet, exercised more, and controlled their weight, researchers said on Thursday. The report, by the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research, analyzed the incidence of 12 types of cancer in the United States, Britain, Brazil, and China. More>>

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