Friday, March 27, 2009

Democratic Voice of Burma


Monks protest against banning of ceremony
Mar 27, 2009 (DVB)–Buddhist monks in central Burma have launched a petition to protest against government restrictions that prevent them from freely conducting a traditional Burmese Buddhist ceremony. - more

Burma leader warns on democracy at parade
Mar 27, 2009 (AFP)—Burma junta chief Than Shwe urged political parties to shun foreign ideologies if they want democracy as the military put on a show of might at its annual parade today. - more

One dead in Rangoon blast
Mar 27, 2009 (AFP)–One person was killed and two others injured in a suspected bomb blast in Burma's commercial hub Rangoon today, on the eve of the country's annual military parade, official sources said. - more

Poet Kyi Aung dies
Mar 27, 2009 (DVB)-Renowned poet and active supporter of National League for Democracy, Kyi Aung died of heart disease at Mandalay general hospital today. - more

Doctor warns tuberculosis is a greater threat than HIV/AIDS
Mar 26, 2009 (DVB)–A doctor from a leading medical fund has claimed that an over-emphasis on HIV/AIDS in Burma has ignored the threat posed by tuberculosis. - more

Authorities destroy memorial for deceased opposition member
Mar 26, 2009 (DVB)–A stone monument built in memory of a former National League for Democracy chair was demolished by local government authorities on Tuesday, according to his family. - more

Under military rule, even the internet is behind bars
Htet Aung KyawMar 26, 2009 (DVB)–Earlier this month, the Paris-based media watchdog Reporters without Borders published a report entitled "Enemies of the Internet.’ in which Burma was named. - more

Opposition party hails US direct approach
Mar 26, 2009 (DVB)–The National League for Democracy yesterday spoke of their support for the United States’ direct approach to engaging with the Burmese government during a meeting between NLD members and a senior US official. - more

US Campaign for Burma .org

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