Saturday, March 28, 2009


Summer Bowen (

SURFING for Buddha pictures? Clicking on slideshows? Googling for an ego boost? Caught red handed, fingerprints on the keyboard! Do good via the Internet. Here's a mission for a curious mouse.

SWITCH HOMEPAGES there's a reason Google employees get fabulous free lunches -- the company makes a mint off search ads. Divert some of the milk from that cash cow to charity by using GoodSearch (, which donates about a penny to the organization of one's choosing every time one searches the web. Also check out Ripple (, now in beta), which sends 100 percent of advertising proceeds to one of four different causes.

FACEBOOK fanatics can help spread the word about worthy causes by posting a widget through the Facebook Causes application ( There are philanthropic passions a plenty! Create one or choose from efforts like "Stop Global Warming" and "No Mc-Donald's in Cusco."

VOLUNTEER by checking out the 62,000 non-profits seeking help at Volunteer Match (, and even use handy new features to find opportunities close to home.

TREE PEOPLE has a mission is to teach and inspire people to help care for the urban greenscape. Our sensitive climate makes it important to be smart about rainwater. Visit TreePeople ( and visit La Kretz Urban Watershed Demonstration Garden to see beautiful examples of natural water-friendly landscaping solutions, from rain barrels to bioswales. With alternatives this lovely and low-maintenance, we can all be waving buh-bye to labor-intensive lawns by summer (Julia Levitt).

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